No, the Catholic Church, or any other Religious organization, should not have any influence on Politics.
I don’t think any religious power should have a say in governmental matters since they’re two different things and catholic ideologies aren’t applicable to everyone
Yes- as should other religious groups. Religious communities and beliefs play a fundamental role in people's lives, as well as the life of the country as a whole. People- and their religious representatives- should be able to express their beliefs on moral issues.
No religion has no place in politics and would only lead to needless conflict amongst people in my opinion
@9HNK4WTFianna Fáil1yr1Y
Yes, As It's the Catholic-Church's-many-ideals...That focus on Marriage, And/or Education.
I don’t think they should, as many people
Who live in Ireland aren’t carholic and shouldn’t have to follow the laws of a religion they don’t identify with
Religion for younger people is now more of a tradition.
The Catholic Church has only proven itself to be a reactionary force that continues to block the advancement of the working class.
No I believe that any remarks to Catholicism should be removed from the Irish constitution. Religion of any kind should hold no place in a fair and just society
Absolutely not. The church have had too much of a say in the past and it led to child sexual abuse, erosion of woman's rights and social control.
Yes I believe so. I believe the scandals of the church has nearly destroyed my religion but the reality of it is we cannot blame the religion for the monstrous acts of individuals. The church should have a say but not control.
No, religions should be completely about faith and should have little to no involvement in politics, education, marriage, etc.
No they should not. We have moved on from the 16th century and the church should solely be for voluntary practices inside its own buildings
No. The Church should not be allowed to own property outside of things directly relevant to their religious duties and they should not be allowed to make a profit from their donations or intervene politically ever.
Absolutely not. No issue with anyone practising their religion but it has no place in politics
Not beyond the rights of individual members as citizens of the state.
@9K4NYRYFianna Fáil1yr1Y
The separation of church and state is a key element of a 21st century Liberal democracy.
@9JDWQY2Fianna Fáil1yr1Y
Well yeah, they should be able to give ideas to the politicians.
No, catholism should not control important matters as it if not applicable to everyone
No religion should be separate to political issues
@9K49HPHSocial Democrats 1yr1Y
Absolutely not. People are free to practice their religion in their own time; by having religion intertwined with the law it inherently makes it biased. Keep them separate.
No it should have no say but be more of a moral advisor
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