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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3mos3MO


 @9ZPQ6SG agreed…2mos2MO

1. Ireland's Housing Crisis
Homelessness Figures: As of recent reports, over 12,000 people in Ireland, including 3,900 children, are homeless. This marks a record high, and many argue that the government is struggling to address this growing crisis.

Housing Shortages: The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has estimated that Ireland needs at least 33,000 new housing units annually to meet demand, but actual construction lags behind this target.

Social Housing Waiting Lists: Tens of thousands of Irish nationals are on waiting lists for social housing, some for years, with many…  Read more

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3mos3MO


 @9ZPQ6SG disagreed…2mos2MO

Why would we invite immigrants into a country to help them when our country is broken and our own people are struggling, the system is on it's knees and advertising immigration is adding fuel to the fire. Irish nationals should also have first access to shelter and basic necessity. It is not an issue of being unwelcoming, but being unable to support these immigrants on top of our existing population. I think it is also important to recognise that in a country that is run correctly and that isn't on it's knees that immigration can actually imrpove and add to a countries workforce, economy and culture.

 @B2L45VV answered…1wk1W

If Immigrants and refugees are 2% of the country population, then they should get 2% of the housing ect.


I believe that the government should start taking care of it's own residents first as there is still an issue with homelesness and a major housing crisis in Ireland and taking in refugees is only raising taxes and causing more problems


They should create legislation against vulture funds to end the empty home problem and use those instead.


The government should increase temporary housing to accommodate their own people first such as the homeless or low income families

 @9ZWFMTL  from Maine  answered…2mos2MO

We need to find a way to balance the housing of immigrants and refugees with our own housing crisis. One shouldn’t be put over the other. Both Irish citizens and immigrants should have the right to affordable and suitable living conditions.


Yes as long as there is enough affordable housing for those who are already living in the country first


Shelter should be provided but people who have been living in Ireland for a long period of time or Irish citizens should have priority.


I think Ireland is a ready providing a lot of housing however I do believe Ireland d should make the system more efficient and provide refugees with sufficient notice if they decide they don’t want to house them in that area anymore and provide them with other options


NO! When we are full we are full. Increase the housing for the generations of young Irish adult who are stuck still in their childhood bunk beds with their aging parents with no options of affordable housing for them to carve a life for themselves. Why is the government more fixated on accommodating immigrants and refugees over our own children in their 20s?


Refugees should be provided with shelter for a pre determined amount of time. This issue would be mute if there were houses for residents


current housing seems to be working to an extent as far as I am aware, IMO we need more people in Ireland but too many people in too short a time could collapse our country


Yes, they should accommodate the ones already here but limit the amount of new immigrants and refugees coming in


I think that scattered around this country are enough empty houses to assist in everyone working and trying to build a healthy life to have their own homes


Yes - but only in suitable temporary housing. If we are putting people in institutions like Direct Provision, then we shouldn't be taking them in in the first place.


it needs to prioritise emergency housing homelessness for all in the country and that be the priority and other things can follow from that benefit


Yes, but The government should be prioritising both Irish nationals and immigrants/refugees accordingly and fairly.


They should prioritise housing the already homeless people of Ireland before housing people from other countries.


We need to provide housing for refugees and immigrants but there has to be reasonable limits on numbers of refugees and immigrants allowed in to Ireland and there needs to be better control on borders - especially people coming in through Northern Ireland and people arriving with no documents


I agree that they should provide adequate housing for immigrants and refugees however I think that the number of Irish citizens who are homeless should also be faced with the same aid


This should be done in a more integrative method, rather than grouping refugees into high density housing.


Prioritise housing for local Irish citizens and then prioritise immigrants and refugees afterwards to prevent resentment in local communities


Yes we should have housing for immigrants and refugees but they should look after our own homeless people for houses first


I think efforts should be made but the irish should be put first. It is not fair for foreigners who dont work to be prioritized over people who work hard in careers or are in desperate situations and at least trying to make something of themselves.


I understand that everybody can seek international protection but they need to manage it rather than just build to accommodate everybody


The govt have not gained the publics trust when it comes to funding temporary housing. This needs to be reviewed and controlled properly.


Irish citizens should have priority over this, but there should be facilities in place for asylum seekers in need - only for short term living, with systems put in place to encourage them to integrate into society


The answer isn't black or white, while in an idealised world we can and should provide temporary housing to immigrants and refugees we currently do not have the systems in place to do so.


We need to house our own Irish homeless people and families first... Immigrants and refugees should get free housing for 4-6 months then have to pay rent and show they have a job and paying taxes after that.


They should be giving Irish homeless people homes first before they offer accommodation for immigrants

 @9ZTYF33 answered…2mos2MO

yes, as those seeking asylum and immigrating have the right to shelter but it should not be taken away from students and homeless

 @9ZTYCM7Sinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

Ireland cannot cope with both amount of immigrants and homeless people in Ireland, which is unfair to both immigrants and homeless people


Fix a problem before creating another one. Act on the plans discussed to create housing, give the opportunity to contractors, electricians, builders, architects etc.. to build the new house, this is creating jobs, lessening welfare, increasing economic standing and improving way of life for those stuck for work.
Increase the housing but increase everything else with it.


Our government really need to plan better for the future in relation to all of this. Not a 4 year election cycle but a 50 - 100 year cycle.

 @9ZTSHMG answered…2mos2MO

Yes but we do not really have the infrastructure. There are 4000 homeless Irish children. We shouldn't take people unless there is a proper plan in place to provide for them.


Yes, but we also must address the ever growing issue of our own unhoused citizens we have such a huge problem we must tackle. So each and every individual of this country can benefit from a safe space to call a home.


I believe in the rights of refugees, immigrants and the Irish but I do believe the government should have prioritised the housing crisis many years before we faced this crisis of mass immigration. I believe the lists should be checked and the children of this country should be prioritised, of any race or background children are always the future and they deserve a home. I think if our own housing crisis was looked at years ago and dealt with we would have a much stronger Ireland today. Which would have eased a lot of the tensions we have today. A stronger Ireland, stronger people and stronger…  Read more


As much as I stand for helping immigrants, Ireland should first accommodate their own homeless, and then make more temporary homes for refugees and immigrants


Government should be keep in mind their own housing crisis with our citizens and put them above immigrants


i think this is important but they also need to also increase housing to accommodate for the large amount of irish that are homeless


We should increase housing for everyone including the ability for refugees who are here long term to bring them into society


They should be held in detention centres with two meals a day until their claim is processed. This would act as a deterrent


Yes, but it should be exactly that, temporary with long term solutions proposed, implemented and actioned


They should increase housing for residents already in Ireland before accommodating for new incoming refugees

 @9ZT7BGQSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, but housing should also be provided for the homeless in Ireland and any other group who may need it.


We need to house our own, the number of homeless people is rising. of course we need to house immigrants and refugees too but i would hold them equally

 @9ZSCVCWSocial Democratsanswered…2mos2MO

Yes, but do the same for current homeless families and people in need. Don’t just do it for one group. All people deserve shelter


If they are allowing them in then they should have appropriate housing. Ideally they should have been vetted first or deported if her illegally.


Refugees who cannot afford housing in Ireland but cannot return to their country due to war etc. should be provided with temporary housing


Direct Provision is an archaic housing system that that places migrants in unsafe and unsanitary housing. There needs to be greater effort in providing them with assistance and support. This can be started by abolishing Direct Provision and establishing a better system.


It's not a simple yes/no there needs to be a proper screening system. We need to sort out our housing systems

 @9ZQ2B62 answered…2mos2MO

Yes need to sort the current issue as you cannot have individuals living in inhumane conditions however no more people should be allowed enter until we can manage the current situation


Temporary housing should be increased and offered to all currently experiencing homelessness regardless of origin provided they are in the country legally.


I think the government needs to foucs on its own housing crisis and then those who need to seek asylum


Yes, but not at the expense of irish citizens who have not been provided housing or any form of accomodation


The government needs to provide and assist with adequate housing for the current immigrants and refugees before accepting more as many current situations are inhumane.


Yes, but fend for Irish homeless too and then immigrants, specifically those coming from war zones or third world countries


The government should subsidise first time buyers and pay for it by levying a marginal tax on people and entities with more than 2 houses.


Help the homeless people on the streets first and then of course accommodate immigrants and refugees

 @9ZHT9HLGreen answered…3mos3MO

Yes, the government should provide more housing for immigrants/refugees, but they should also just increase housing in general as there are also many Irish citizens who are homeless or don’t have secure housing

 @9ZHM8C5Social Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Specifically only for people coming from dangerous warzones, we have uneccessery amounts of people coming from safe places.


Deport them! We do not have the room for them. We have to look after our own people first before we can help others!


I think they should increase temporary housing all round not just the refugee but for anyone and I think families and people at risk should be prioritised

 @9ZT4QHVfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

The country is a joke we need to sort out our own, not just homeless but the poor families who can’t afford to buy a house, there’s no affordable housing, and then of course welcome with open arms people from high risk countries but right now it’s dividing the country and creating a lot of racism which wasn’t in Irish culture before but it really is now and it’s so sad


Yes but we should be looking at a more sustainable solution that does not negatively impact people already living in Ireland


The government should be prioritising both Irish nationals and immigrants/refugees accordingly and fairly.


Yes, but for refugees only. Immigrants should be allowed to enter but should plan their own accommodation.

 @9ZST37CSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

No because we don’t have enough resources for our own citizens at the moment, especially for tax payers.


It depends on the state of other countries. Many immigrants are hopping from other countries to Ireland as their last stop because this is where social welfare payments and housing are most available.


No they should not ,they can sent people away instead of letting everyone in and overpopulating Ireland .


No, but a complete rework of the asylum programme is needed due to long wait times spent in refugee camps.

 @9ZSPJ3WSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

Steps should be taken to revitalise housing that is currently unlivable to be brought up to a liveable standard, although this would cost more money it would a. Provie temporary housing for refugees and then b. Could be sold as affordable housing after it's temporary use has been completed


Yes but they need ti have the houses and areas to do it and also have the houses to house their own population


They should reasonably accommodate housing for vulnerable refugees, not immigrants and those who are not in dire need.


They should increase the accommodate to legal immigrants and to refugees but if they are working or participating to Irish society.


depends because we need to help the irish people first to accomodate housing and food for their health so basically we should focus on our people first.

 @9ZMSDTXPeople Before Profit answered…3mos3MO

Yes, and make sure that the quality of temporary housing is kept on top of to avoid overcrowding, and unethical living conditions.

 @9ZLVMFYSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

The refugees in the country need places to live so they should increase it but the number of refugees coming into the country should be drastically decreased, and there needs to be a serious crack down on the checking of papers and stopping unvetted males coming in for a pay out when our own people are struggling. If you’re fleeing war fair enough but if you’re coming for a handy life no

 @9ZKNPZRSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

I think is is ridiculous the amount of immigrants we have allowed to come into this country and take housing before we deal with our own homeless crisis.

 @9ZKNGNHSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Not to get infinitely more refugees but to house ones that are here and give them a good quality of life


While I am sympathetic to legally vetted true refugees being accomodated equality has to be shown to those Irish citizens who already live here and are awaiting housing for a long time.

 @9ZHJ38QSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

i think irish residents should be accommodated first, theres other countries that could possibly accept them too

 @9ZSMZBGSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

50/50 on this one it depends not for all immigrants who are wealthy etc and then i say yes for refugees if it is people fleeing from countries where this war, poverty, genocide etc then yes they should. but not at the expenses of irish citizens as there is many homeless children and families and struggling young adults in ireland currently


Yes refugees need a place but the government need to fix homelessness and house issues before helping others

 @9ZSKKDXSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

I believe Irish citizens should be prioritised for housing. Foreign residers have been prioritised, while Irish citizens have been left with little to no help from the government. Especially the young people in Ireland, they don’t have the opportunity to move out of their family homes to start families of their own.


Have purpose-built temp housing fascilities available. The funds are there if you don't build bike sheds.

 @9ZKC47YRepublican Sinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Not a hope Ireland is full we need To house our own people before thinking about outside of this country


I think shelter should be provided but people who have been living in Ireland for a long period of time or Irish citizens should have priority


Full support taking in refugees but when people living and working in the country are getting homes torn down for having no planning permission to build on their own land, how can so many temporary homes get built for non nationals?


government going about it the wrong way, housing needed for students but immigrants deserve a place to live

 @9ZL6RG3Social Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

immigrants and refugees have the right to asylum and the right to safety and a home, but Irish citizens must be looked after too and there is a housing crisis


No. Unfortunately we have a housing crisis in Ireland. Our government is currently not capable of managing to house or accommodate our own citizens not to mind immigrant or refugees. There is a very real problem happening now where Irish people are homeless in their thousands and the government are bringing in people from other countries, housing them and giving them benefits. The current government is creating an opportunity regrettably that is going to increase the possibility of racism/violence as a result of this. Irish people feel and are being abandoned by their own government and then…  Read more

 @9ZK8PHNFine Gaelanswered…3mos3MO

government should take measures to grant entry and only allow genuine refugees not people with criminal records or those looking to collect welfare and move to another country

 @9ZK7LB2People Before Profitanswered…3mos3MO

This is tricky because I do believe in taking in refugees and immigrants but not as a way for landlords to make profit off the government funding for it. During a housing crisis that money should be put towards housing locals also.

 @9ZK477GSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Need a long term solution not temporary housing. Find ways to integrate into society not onnthe fringes


I believe refugees and immigrants should be put in a system where they’re approved or not for temporary housing, in many cases people with criminal records are given housing instead of family’s.


The government should ensure that the current population is housed before agreeing to house people from all over the world. It creates a false divide between people living in a country and people coming into the country. It feels deliberate and managed


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