@9YMDP3TSocial Democrats4mos4MO
there is none? people with disabilities should be allowed to live with us and amongst us. they are human. there’s no need for a divide solely because they’re disabled. it massively impacts their life with the current lack of possibilities
People with disabilities are just as entitled to access transportation services as anyone else, to deny them accessibility is to deny them the same rights and freedoms everyone else enjoys
All users of public transport should have the same opportunities and the same quality of access to public transport, especially when it is paid for by taxpayers
Disabled people are people and they deserve equal rights to everyone. They should have the same access to public transport as anybody else and this requires accessible transport options.q
transportation accessibility for people with disabilities is that accessible transportation is essential for creating an equitable and inclusive society. Transportation is a fundamental part of daily life, affecting access to employment, education, healthcare, and social participation. When public and private transportation options are inaccessible, people with disabilities face significant barriers to achieving independence, contributing to the workforce, and participating in society.
Why should people with disabilities not be given the same respect and accessibility as people without. God forbid people spend a little more time helping each other
Everybody should be able to have access to public transport. It makes them more independent and has no effect on anyone else
No one chooses to be disabled - why should their lives have more inconveniences than able-bodied people? They're both people at the end of the day trying to get to work, school, simply going from point A to point B, things that able-bodied people don't think twice about. It's not even about empathy, it's just stupid that not everyone has the same privileges in the society and century we're in today.
People with disabilities should be offered the same quality of life access that everyone else receives, they cant help mental, mobility or other issues they may have, and discriminating against them fir that reason is not a good way to see the world even if it means spending a bit more money
That is ableist and all people need to have public transport access for any situation such as education, work and medical
@9YNP2GB 4mos4MO
Public transport & adequate accessibility to public transport is what cultivates a strong economy. It also incentivises healthier lifestyles when focus is taken away from car usage. Public transport gives all access to job opportunities & to make social connections, & excluding a large population of people with disabilities is not only discriminatory, but self sabotage to this country & it's people.
Every person should be able access everything public, not agreeing with that is ableist and views people with disabilities as less then themselves
@9YMJ5PX 4mos4MO
People who live with disabilities have enough struggles all throughout their life. Do we really have to kick them while they're down and refuse public transport for them?
@9YM67FD 4mos4MO
Everyone is equal, regardless of age, physical condition, religion, skin colour and sexual orientation. If a person is unable to use transportation due to a condition which affects their movement, or simply the way they were born, exceptions should be made and accessibility should be provided, so that they can use transportation in the same way as everyone else does.
No one should be susceptible to inability of using public transport simply because the way they’re born, especially in an environment where there are to many cars being used and emmitting harmful gases
People with disabilities are entitled to and deserve the right to public transport, especially when they have no other source of transport
Every human deserves equal opportunity to live their life to the fullest extent, regardless of disabilities.
Some disabled people can't drive and have as much of a right to use public transport like everyone else. There needs to be more done
More funding for transportation (for all) will reduce the carbon emissions of vehicles and ensure less cars on the road.
If you can't put yourself in the position of someone with a disability, I would think about an elderly person you respect or love failing to be able to attend a doctor's appointment, or go to mass or injuring themselves in the process because there's no railings
@9Z9928G 4mos4MO
no one chooses to be disabled, and unless you die young you will become disabled too. if i can get on the bus with absolutely no hassle on my better days, then there's no reason why I should be made into a hassle on my higher symptom days. people who use wheelchairs aren't even able to get on some buses at all, it's a total gamble as to whether the bus that shows up will be accessible or not. public transport should be as accessible for all disabled people as it is for able bodied people, there should be absolutely no difference in convenience for someone just because they're disabled.
People with disabilities are people first. Every individual is entitled to access to public amenities regardless of their physical or mental conditions.
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