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Yes for a summary offence, no for an indictable offence. ( Felony and misdemeanor are not a part of Irish law )

 @9ZM3M6DSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

it all depends on context. yes and no. subjective on politician - was the crime non-violent (or violent), non-felony, non-sexual and/or non-financial but in their younger years & have they since been an upstanding citizen?


It would depend on the severity of the crime and how much time has passed. There should be an approval process for allowing them to run to prove it is not out of self interest

 @beauchurleySocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as they are not complicit in human rights abuses and high financial crimes such as, trafficking, slavery, Jewishness, etc.


 @B2WZ6ZPfrom Illinois  answered…1wk1W

Also long as the crime has no bearing on the office they are running for, is not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime.


No and I think politicians should be subject to investigation before getting the job because I know of politicians who can't even run their home and they are running for TD if they can't even take care of themselves and family there's no way they should be having a say in the country I also think people who have cheated in relationships shouldn't be allowed to be in power as it shows disloyalty which can translate to their dedication to our country and people


If the crime has been proven to be fake or rigged in any manner, then the politician should be able to run


Yes but only if the crime they have committed is no longer a crime and if that was committed before their time in any governmental role I.e. the law they broke is no longer in place


It really depends on if the politician wants to make the crime he/she committed legal and what views he/she has.


Yes but it will temporarily ban them from running. after the ban they are allowed to run as long as they finished the sentence and it wasn't commited while in office. Sexual or violent crimes will ban politicians for running for 20 years while other crimes will ban them for 10 years. However for murder or treason or a crime commited while in office a politician should not be allowed to run.


Depends on the crime, when it was committed. Have they changed for hood, why was the crime committed and did they repent

 @9H622GRPBB Solidarityanswered…1yr1Y

Depends on the nature of the crime. No, if a crime against democracy or some other power grab. Yes, if it was a drug offense or something like that.


yes as long as it wasn't anything too serious like sexual crime or violent and they have finished their sentence and have been clean ever since.


I would say yes if it wad a petty crime and if they were arguing for policies to improve the system based on what they have gone through and with proper legal knowledge

 @9ZD7CF4Social Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

It depends on the crime, however if it's a serious conviction definitely not & a special case should be opened to investigate it.


For the most part, absolutely not… but if it was a very minor crime that harmed nobody, I feel it shouldn’t stop someone from entering politics. so 95% no way, 5% okay fine


No as it’s not right, if they have commited a crime they have to deal with the consequences of committing meaning not working in the law due to committing a crime is not right, if a person who struggled with abuse and shop lifted and was arrested for it and has that in there background and if falling in the case I’m not begin able to get a job why should should politician be aloud when they had consequences they know they can’t have you either stick it out and have a clean slate for your career you want of mess it up to a point you can’t have they career you want


Depends on severity of the crime - for example someone with marijuana charges 20 years ago should be allowed to run, but someone charged worh sexual assault should never be allowed to run


Yes as long as they are not violent or charged with sexual assault, rape or any harm of children or animals


yes, if they have served time, while not in office and if it was not a felony,violent, financial or sexual crime.


If the individual passes psychological assessment deeming them fit to run for office. Everyone should be given an opportunity


as long as it was not violent, not served in office and they have fished serving their sentence - also should be reviewable by court if necessary


No, our political leaders should uphold the laws of our country and if we are willing to have offenders in office in any capacity then we should be making much more of an effort to decriminalise those offences which we are willing to look past for this purpose


depending on the crime as long as all the information is fully disclosed and available to the public

 @9KG74LVSinn Féinanswered…12mos12MO

Yes, but it depends on the nature of the crime. Attempts to illegally seize power beyond the scope of their position should result in a ban from running

 @9JJWFYQ answered…1yr1Y

Depends on the crime, e.g. if they were caught with cannabis or some similar minor and contested offences, they should be allowed

 @9ZF7M5Hfrom British Columbia  answered…3mos3MO

Yes, if said candidate was genuine in making change and doing good for the people of Ireland. Lots of current politicians get away with murder

 @9ZH7V47Sinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

not for crimes of the most egregious in nature, such as sexual crimes or violent crimes, financial crimes should only affect legitmacy if the office of the TD was abused etc


Yes, but not after conviction for certain crimes (sex offences), and not after more than one conviction.


If the idea of the penal code is to have paid your debt to society then in theory at the end of that term you have a clean slate Certain Crimes should not be aquitted and these would bar you from running

 @9ZJSZC5Sinn Féin answered…3mos3MO

It depends on the severity of the crime. If it was petty theft as a young adult, they should be allowed. If it was tax evasion or violence they should not be allowed


No, if the crime was a crime against the state, it's people or an abuse of their position for personal benefit

 @9ZK7LB2People Before Profitanswered…3mos3MO

Depends on what the crime was. I believe in rehabilitation and second chances but only in certain circumstance. Example if commuted rape/ murder/ abuse should not be allowed run as it sets a tone for what the country accepts.


It depends on what was the crime, if they finished serving their sentence and on other things.


 @9ZM3WSWSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

The government in place are just as bad if not worse it’s so clear to be seen infront of our eyes it’s shocking, members of tusla being charged CP sex trafficking, the billions taken from the people of Ireland to fill greedy pockets pay out banks, take in refugees while the homeless crisis is at the highest it’s ever been, there a disgrace should be all locked up themselves and the hospitals? If they put that money from the most expensive hospital they’re still building into what we already have we would be thriving. Clowns

 @8ZML6M7Fianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

Depending on the crime, it should be up to the court to decide whether or not they are Allowed to run for election.

 @8YP37XZFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

yes everyone should have equal opputunity i am anti prisons but if thye are a hazard they shouldnt be allowed


Yes, but the details of the crime should be publicized if not previously known


I think they should allowed to, as long as they have learnt from what they have done



Yes, as long as the crime did not amount to abuse of another person or abuse of one's position.


If it was a minor crime like speeding I do not think they should one barred


Yes, as long as they have finished serving their sentence
Yes, as long as the crime was not committed while in office
Yes, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime
but, and disallow politicians that are under investigation for a crime



If their position in public office is compromised or undermined by their crime, then they should not be allowed run for office.


It depends on the crime and should be determined on a case by case basis. Politicians should have to disclose their criminal record prior to running


yes but depends in the seriousness of the offence but also how much time has passed since the offence no sexual crimes or attemped murder,murder



Only if they are a prosecuted for advancing Irish populism and they should be pardoned.



Criminal and sexual gang related harmed with rights or wrongs women girls Hamilton east and west New Zealand limited Auckland attack half of popular with Brazilian and Indian institute of kill and rapes


Once their sentence has been served and the crime was not committed while in office, the crime should not fall under murder, sexual assault/harassment or a crime that has harmed the economy or a person


Depends on the crime. Deceptions and frauds no, violence or political crime fine.


depending on the crime, and whether or not they faced fair repercussions for their crime yes.


Yes, as long as crime was not committed while in office, they have finished their sentence, and they are not under investigation.

 @animemaoist from Maine  answered…4yrs4Y


How would you feel if a politician with a criminal past made decisions that directly impacted your daily life?


Should we consider a politician's personal history as equally important as their ability to get things done in office?


Should voters have a bigger say in deciding whether or not someone with a criminal record can run for political office?


Do you think a politician's past mistakes shape their ability to make better choices, or do they signal a lack of integrity?


Do you think someone with a criminal record can truly represent the values of the people they serve?


How would you react if your favorite political candidate was suddenly revealed to have committed a crime in the past?


If a politician has served their time for a crime, do you believe they deserve a second chance in leadership? Why or why not?


Could a politician’s criminal record actually become a positive if they learned lessons that changed how they serve the public?


In your opinion, does someone's rehabilitation ever make them fully fit for public office, or should their crimes always matter?


How much importance do you place on trust when voting for someone, especially if they have a criminal past?


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