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It is the cheapest and most reliable form of energy. It would massively reduce the energy costs of the nation which is one of the main contributing factors to the cost of living in ireland.


Nuclear energy is cheaper and more efficient, the waste produced is tiny in comparison and can be stored more effectively than ever. We also face very few natural disasters in Ireland which could cause a reactor to have any major issues.


Wind turbines produce 1 megawatt per turbine, coal can produce 300 megawatts, nuclear can produce more than a coal powered turbine with minuscule waste


Two issues seem to constantly come up when discussing nuclear energy; safety and waste.

Nuclear energy is extremely safe once people are trained and proper protocols are followed. In the case of something going wrong with the reactor, it can simply be turned off. The reason for the Chernobyl disaster was human negligence and cheap, cost-cutting materials being used, along with the plant not being properly armoured/insulated in case of meltdowns. The reason for Fukushima was natural disaster in the form of a tsunami. Since Ireland does not currently suffer from major weather disasters, it simpl…  Read more


Nuclear is a zero-emission clean energy source. It generates power through fission, which is the process of splitting uranium atoms to produce energy. The heat released by fission is used to create steam that spins a turbine to generate electricity without the harmful byproducts emitted by fossil fuels

 @9Z9CNW7PBB Solidarityagreed…4mos4MO

Nuclear energy is some of the cleanest safest energy production we have, the effects of a meltdown are highly unlikely although devastating if they do occur and the waste is difficult to manage but it is significantly better safer and less risky than coal, gas or oil

 @9FKNTC4Social Democratsagreed…1yr1Y

think about it other renewable sources aren't always active while nuclear energy is always active and takes a long time to run out.

 @9ZGRY3PSocial Democratsagreed…4mos4MO

Having been involved in the building of wind and solar farms, and the upgrading of old Power Stations, the reliance on Gas or Oil powered power stations would still be quite high for densely populated areas, while still creating a large amount of carbon dioxide, while nuclear energy has practically no drawbacks and can provide more energy in the same space.


Other renewable sources are dependent on other factors such as water flow rate, sunlight or wind speed


Even including Chernobyl and Fukushima (which would never happen today) the death toll related to nuclear is so much lower than any other form of energy


The key insight is that they are all much safer than fossil fuels. Nuclear energy, for example, results in 99.9% fewer deaths than brown coal, 99.8% fewer than coal, 99.7% fewer than oil, and 97.6% fewer than gas.


France's grid is almost entirely powered by nuclear even more so allowing the state to also export electricity to the broader EU market.


Sirazam Sadekin, Sayma Zaman, Mahjabin Mahfuz, Rashid Sarkar,
Nuclear power as foundation of a clean energy future: A review,
Energy Procedia,
Volume 160,
Pages 513-518,
ISSN 1876-6102,

 @9ZDYMBD agreed…4mos4MO

Green energy is the goal however it does not yield a consistent supply, Nuclear can be used to fill the gap in supply

 @9YM67FD agreed…4mos4MO

Nuclear energy is often avoided as it is seen as dangerous, often as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. Researching into the cause of the explosion at Chernobyl’s RBMK reactor will help ease any fear or worry, as it is clear that improper handling and ignorant leadership was cause. With proper regulation and sufficient safety measures, an Irish nuclear power plant would create more jobs, ease heavy stress on our energy infrastructure, and overall make life a lot cheaper and easier for the citizens of Ireland.

 @9FXP9JRIndependent Left agreed…1yr1Y

There is minimum damage done. We only fixate on the occasional time it happens. I believe that we can evolve our technology to be able to use this renewable method of energy production safely.


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