
Historical Results

See how support for each position on “Political Advertising on Social Media” has changed over time for 12.9k Ireland voters.

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Historical Importance

See how importance of “Political Advertising on Social Media” has changed over time for 12.9k Ireland voters.

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Ireland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.


They should ban advertising from campaigns and political organisations and groups such as lobbyists and "think tanks", but not from individual users in their capacity as individuals.


Political advertising should not be banned but should be regulated to avoid misinformation and hate speech


No, this is a matter of freedom of speech and public platforms should be treated in the same vein as other public utilities in this matter.


If it is not propaganda or biased then it is fine, if it is like our own RTE then it should be banned.


It's important that people have access to information about who they're voting for, so long as it doesn't cross over onto any sort of vague propaganda or misinformation


There should be more regulations than there are but it shouldn't be banned. It is an important way for political parties to reach younger generations