Try the political quiz

97 Replies

 @9ZM2L6DIndependents 4 Changeanswered…2wks2W

I do not agree with the policies of Fianna Fail, and believe they have a poor track record in office.

 @9ZNHVGNSocial Democratsanswered…2wks2W

Fianna Fáil have failed to deliver on so many promises and the population is in an economic strangle for common goods. Housing and cost of living are increasing after Covid and these issues are not being addressed. The rise in hate in this country is also a massive issue and seeing local candidates pop up in response to this racist traction is horrible. This should never had a chance to have happened and the government just chooses to ignore it as these hate groups grow more and more.

 @9ZKN3SDSocial Democratsanswered…2wks2W

I don’t think the country has progress in many years under a FF & FG government

 @9ZTF8H6answered…5 days5D

Because Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have had their time already and they’ve messed up this country

 @9ZW52TJanswered…3 days3D

His party has neglected the real spirit of the Irish people for decades. Less people able to speak the Irish language than 100 years ago for example.

 @9ZW5JRJanswered…3 days3D

He is Fianna Fáil and they have run the county into the ground for the last 100 years

 @9ZW6SN7answered…3 days3D

I will never vote for anyone in Fianna Fáil. They’ve had years to fix this country and haven’t yet.

 @9ZV4CNFanswered…4 days4D

 @9ZVTTGFSinn Féin answered…3 days3D

Fianna Fáil as a party have shown incompetence in government and their policies do not align with my own interests

 @9ZJLLVYPeople Before Profitanswered…3wks3W


Because fianna fail have failed to follow up on their promises time and time again, i do not trust them and believe we are in need of change



 @9ZHDXHMSinn Féinanswered…3wks3W

Paul has done very little for his local are since becoming a TD he however was a great councillor also the time for change is now

 @9ZDLNTGSocial Democratsanswered…3wks3W

Finn Fail and Finn Gael have not been a good government, I think Sinn Fein deserve a chance

 @9ZMM8LLSinn Féinanswered…2wks2W

I have contacted this TD in his current and previous terms with questions and concerns on a few different issues of both local and national importance and I received quite obvious scripted/templated replies where other local TDs have actively engaged with authentic replies and in fact, in most cases took immediate action. I also find his postal newsletters highlighting local developments completely disingenuous to his younger constituents, in particular his piece on Oscar traynor woods and how his party were involved in delivering this “affordable” housing scheme. Sorry, but havin…  Read more


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