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27 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9mos9MO



Organisations like Amnesty International and B'Tselem (an independent joint Israeli/Palestinian human rights organisation) call Israel an apartheid state, and Netanyahu's government has done nothing to alleviate this. Netanyahu's government also isn't complying with the International Court of Justice's orders to prevent genocide (although several sources already call what's happening in Gaza currently a genocide).

 @9ZFDY5Q disagreed…2mos2MO

He should be supported to protect his people. Ireland has been duped by the palestine delusion and I'm ashamed of Ireland's idiocy.

 @9LR96XLSocial Democratsagreed…8mos8MO

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9mos9MO


 @9ZFDY5Q agreed…2mos2MO

I have looked into the history, and this is not about land. The quran calls Muslims to hate Jews and they obey. Land for peace didn't work in the past, it only emboldened hamas. Hamas is so enmeshed with the population of palestine that it's impossible to separate them. Thanks in part to unwra, funded by ireland amongst others. We are fools.

 @9LR96XLSocial Democratsdisagreed…8mos8MO

He hasn't achieved his objectives & now the majority of the electorate don't want him as head of government.

 @9ZMM8LLSinn Féinanswered…2mos2MO

No, the Israeli ambassador should be expelled, all Israeli exports should be banned and the defence forces should be drafted in to inspect the cargo of all US military aircraft refuelling in Shannon airport to ensure no weaponry passes through Irish soil.


They should neither support nor oppose the leadership of any other country, when it does not affect Ireland.


No, the Irish state should not involve itself in the inner workings of Israeli politics while remaining critical where need be.


No, him, his entire government should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity, breaking international law and genocide. Any government and corporations that continues to support him financialy/ with aid should also face legal repercussions for being an accessory.


We should acknowledge him as the leader but as to giving support we should not involve ourselves into their mess

 @9YJ2WCJfrom Maine  answered…2mos2MO

No, and it should not support the leadership of any country committing genocide



The government should offer criticism but not interfere with domestic politics


Multifaceted and beyond complex, heavily heated topic with obvious emotional, financial, historic and societal implications. No right answer, beyond stop the suffering.


No, we should not get involved in foreign matters that aren't a threat to us.


No, The Irish government already does not support the Netanyahu government and shouldn't.


He should be recognised as the elected leader. But the Israeli government and military conduct should be constantly monitored and questioned where nessacary

 @9NXZQN9 answered…7mos7MO



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