The slaying of three hostages in Gaza by Israeli troops unleashes a torrent of criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government.
Multiple critics note that Netanyahu did not announce the tragedy in person, as then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin did in 1994 following the attempted rescue operation of Nachshon Wachsman, which ended with the death of that abducted soldier and one of the commandos trying to save him.
Einav Schiff, a journalist for Yedioth Ahronoth, writes on Ynet: “The IDF spokesperson was abandoned last night. He was not the one who was supposed to look the public in the eye and inform them about the tragedy, but the prime minister or at least the defense minister and chief-of-staff. It’s not surprising but disappointing.”
@9HNK4WTFianna Fáil1yr1Y
I-think, That-it's disgusting what the Israeli-Forces have done to the innocent/ Surrendering-hostages. It's highly-classed as one of/If not the most-serious war-crime there-is.
i think the palestine-israel conflict is a grnocide against the palestinian people
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