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traditional values should be promoted but not enforced. govt should spend on festivals holidays etc. traditions are meant to be fun social activities, they became traditions bc people enjoyed them. make them enjoyable and ppl will gladly preserve them.

 @9HJGC2FSinn Féin answered…1yr1Y

I think its good for people to question their cultural traditions, many traditions a rooted in outdated thinking and people would benefit from calling out this traditions and ending or reforming them to modern society and thinking. The Government shouldn't be able to prevent this from happening as I think this is something the people should control, though I think they should be able to express concern if they feel its needed.


The government should only preserve the traditional values that do not conflict with the evolving social consciousness.


Culture is fiction, same as the government should not preserve a book because it is culturally important, nor must it spend society's efforts to preserve tradition.

 @9PP6GZCSocial Democratsanswered…8mos8MO

Only the individual should be able to decided what traditions they personally wish to preserve

 @9PNVMRBSocial Democratsanswered…8mos8MO

while i dont think it is the duty to preserve values i dont think the government or media should be opening up to right wing populism

 @9PBC8Y5Sinn Féinanswered…8mos8MO

I think it’s up to the individual to have their values the government has to do what’s best for the people not what the 1 thinks is best.


i do think the government should try preserve our tradition but not be pushy on people with it and don’t disregard or disrespect other cultures


It’s everyone’s duty but hard to quantify what a nation’s ‘traditional’ values are.

 @9LKPTT9Sinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

i think it is the governments duty to shape a country that the population wants - that includes immigrants that they have brought in, their duty is to protect the people, citizens and foreigners alike

 @9KRDLFY answered…11mos11MO

 @9KQDVVJSocial Democratsanswered…11mos11MO

I think the government should invest money in preserving culture, but it should not be deciding what constitutes what culture and what doesn't


 @9QKY57XSinn Féinanswered…7mos7MO

Its the responsibility of both individuals & government collectively to preserve that which is worth preserving & to abolish things that have done our nation a disservice.


Yes they should but focus on fun and social not political and religious aspects


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