Try the political quiz

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If the world prioritized societal advancement over individual gains, what personal changes would you make?


More accessible, affordable and effective healthcare, free public transport, higher minimum wage, access to education and guaranteed simple housing and access and help with employment


What kind of daily challenges do you think you would face in a world where society's needs always come before individual wants?


How would your priorities shift if society celebrated collaborative achievements more than personal ones?


How would it affect your life if success was based solely on your contributions to society rather than your background?


How would our approach to combating global issues be different if society's leaders were chosen based on knowledge and ability rather than popularity?


If you had to trust your future to either elected politicians or appointed experts, who would you choose and why?


How would your life be different if your social standing was determined solely by your contributions to technology or science?


Can a system prioritizing communal needs over individual choice lead to greater happiness for you personally?


If a group of experts were to decide what's best for society, how do you imagine they would address the issue of climate change?


How would you feel if your job and social status were decided based on your knowledge and skills in science and technology?


Imagine a world where scientists and entrepreneurs are in charge; what would be your biggest concern?


Do you feel that a community run by experts in industry and science would handle global crises, like climate change, better?


In a world that values technical skills above all, where do you see yourself fitting in?


How would the concept of success change for you in a society that measures it by societal benefit?


How might your school club or sports team operate differently in a community where everyone's abilities are nurtured?


How would storytelling and movies change if they were meant to inspire societal and technological innovation?


How do you envision the role of traditional family structures in a community focused on societal equality and industrial development?


If social recognition was based on contributions to society's improvement rather than wealth, how would it affect your aspirations?


If artistic expression was directed towards societal improvement, what art forms do you think would thrive?


If your success was determined by societal impact rather than grades, what project or innovation would you pursue now?


How would you feel living in a society led by engineers and industrialists instead of politicians?


Do you believe that a society should prioritize the needs of its poorest members above all else?


Would the replacement of unproductive social classes with a technical elite make a society more efficient?


How do you feel about a planned economy where your needs are determined by society instead of by market choices?


If you had the chance, would you want to live in a Saint-Simonian community; why or why not?


Could modern problems be better addressed by a ruling class of experts rather than elected officials?


What creative pursuits might you explore if all jobs were aimed at advancing communal welfare?


Would you prefer a school curriculum tailored to solving social issues rather than traditional academic subjects?


How comfortable would you feel in a world where decision-making power was in the hands of scientists and industry leaders?


Would you feel more secure in a society that aims to provide for everyone, and why?


What role do you think personal passion should play in a world led by industrial and scientific leaders?


How do you imagine your local community would change if it were guided solely by the principles of efficiency and technological progress?


How do you perceive the notion of leadership in a world where power is given based on expertise rather than wealth or birthright?


What emotions do you experience when you think about a society that promotes sharing everything equally among its members?


What personal changes would you make if the main goal of society was to ensure that every person's basic needs were met?


Would you be more motivated to learn if education directly linked to making positive societal changes?


How would your sense of identity shift in a society where your status is defined by your societal contributions?


If leadership was based on expertise, what qualities would you seek in those leading your community?


How would you feel if your efforts were focused on advancing the community rather than competing with classmates?


How do you think our choices of leisure activities would change if each choice had to benefit society?


Would your approach to teamwork change if group accomplishments were more celebrated than individual victories?


Would you prefer a social event to focus on sharing ideas to better society rather than personal achievements, and why?


How would your idea of success change if it was measured by your contribution to innovation rather than your financial status?


What innovative project would you undertake if you knew it could significantly improve society?


How would the value you place on personal relationships change in a society that prioritizes common good over individual wealth?


What type of societal problems do you think a merit-based leadership system would be best at solving?


If societal roles were based on knowledge and not popularity, how would it change your participation in group projects?


If you had to pick a new hobby that contributed to societal welfare, what would it be and why?


How would the goals of your future career shift if societal contribution was more important than salary?


If the world prioritized the wellness of all over individual achievement, how do you think your daily worries would change?


Can a planned economy truly reflect and satisfy your personal desires and needs, or is it too idealistic?


Would you be willing to give up personal wealth if it meant everyone had enough to live comfortably?


How do you think our daily lives would change if society was organized according to Saint-Simonian principles?


What qualities would you develop in yourself if society valued contributions to the common good above all else?


How would your perspective on fashion and trends shift if society emphasized equal wealth distribution?


How would you feel if your job and social status were decided based on your knowledge and skills in science and technology?


What type of societal problems do you think a merit-based leadership system would be best at solving?


Do you feel that a community run by experts in industry and science would handle global crises, like climate change, better?


How would the goals of your future career shift if societal contribution was more important than salary?


How do you perceive the notion of leadership in a world where power is given based on expertise rather than wealth or birthright?


How would storytelling and movies change if they were meant to inspire societal and technological innovation?


What are your thoughts on the fairness of a society where those who manage resources are those who understand them the best, rather than those who own them?


How might dating and friendships evolve in a society where people are valued for their contributions rather than their wealth?