Junk fees are hidden and unexpected charges that are often not included in the initial or listed price of a transaction but are added on at the time of the payment. Airlines, hotels, concert ticket providers and banks often add them onto the cost of a service or good after the consumer has seen the original price. Proponents of the rule argue that getting rid of these fees will make prices more transparent for consumers and save them money. Opponents argue that private businesses would simply raise prices in response to the regulations and there isn’t a guarantee that flying or staying in a hotel would be any less expensive.
would you want your doctor to be on salary or commission ?
I'd rather salary as no matter how slow they work they'd at least focus on me in our time
commission changes what they focus on while working
we don't want bankers to choose themselves
No, the government should not regulate what private businesses can charge consumers
you wouldn't let the government make you pay for water why let businesses take advantage of you when for once the government can be on your side ?
also it's better for the consumer, all private businesses are owned by consumers so it'll come back round to them to savings eventually
no one loses in this situation other than those who wish to take advantage
Charge more consumer in the mask attack inside darkness
No, these rarely work out for the people.
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