Gender disphoria is a real issue and all people should be treated with love and respect but it is doing young people a disservice to promote transgenderism. The chronically depressed exist but I don't believe we should have assisted suicide.
The recent Cass report in the UK assessed available studies and found that the evidence regarding the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for children is low quality. Other European countries are also reconsidering their position.
Use of these drugs may have long term negative health implications.
An increasing number of detransitioners are coming forward which contradicts the narrative that trans identities are innate.
We don’t know the impact of forcing children to validate a classmates trans identity.
Trans is an unfalsifiable belief, cannot be proven and should be cons… Read more
Too many people are making the decision as a means of identifying with an ideology in the hope it sets them apart from the herd.
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