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No, but Social & Community Based Programmes are worth investing in at the same time, just not at the expense of the Gardai.

 @9L5MY8HSinn Féinanswered…4wks4W

As there is a shortage of gardai, there should be more funding directed both to them and communit6y initiatives

 @9HBQGJ6PBB Solidarityanswered…5mos5MO

i do not believe that it should be redirected but, there should be more funding for community based programs



Not the entirety of the funding and it depends on the area long with what the programs are


 @9B3VDYGfrom Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y



No, but there should be an addition of unarmed community based responders for non-violent calls


We need to look at making the local police departments & social and community based programs work along side each other


No, funding should be provided but not at the risk of reducing effectiveness of our police.

 @95H54K8Sinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

Still fund the police but less, and redirect these new funds created to social and community based programs.


The police should receive longer and more in depth training which involves increased emphasis on conflict resolution and social sciences. There should be stricter requirements as to who can become a police officer.

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

No, but high crime clusters should automatically trigger social service intervention and regeneration efforts by the government.


No, because both should be well funded with police being actively involved in community based programs.


We need funding for social and community based programs & for local police departments


What alternative strategies can you think of that might make your community feel safer and more supported?


In what ways have you observed police presence affecting your community, positively or negatively?


Do you think investing in housing and job programs could reduce crime more effectively than increased policing?


How important do you believe mental health services are in reducing the need for traditional policing?


What are your thoughts on the role of police in schools versus more counselors or youth programs?


Can you imagine a situation where a social worker, rather than a police officer, could be more effective in responding?


How do you feel about the balance between public safety and community support in your own neighborhood?


What kind of community services do you think could benefit from increased funding to prevent crime?


Have you or someone you know ever needed help that the police weren't equipped to provide?


How would your community change if more money was spent on social programs instead of on policing?


 @7VY3MQG from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Increase funding for social and community programmes without cutting police funding


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