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"Biological sex" is itself a very brosd generalisation encompassing a person's genitalia, reproductive capabilities, genetic makeup, physical development and outward presentation which, biologically speaking correlate with each other but are by no means possible to strictly categorize. A binary view of physical sex like this is a helpful generalization when teaching to children but the actual biology is far more complicated. Even ignoring that, the idea that "biologically male" peoppe have some inherent physical advantage over "biological females" is itself an inaccurate, deeply sexist stereotype based on decades-old mysoginist pseudoscience designed to primarily to protect male athletes from being forced to acknowledge that women could be better than them.

 @9GVS6KXSocial Democratsdisagreed…7mos7MO

I think transgender people participating in sports should be based not on biological sex but on the same attributes as cis competitors like weight, as well as hormone levels. While there are some sports where it may be unfair for a trans athlete to participate in some sports such as weight lifting, there are sports like ice skating, soccer, or golf, where biological sex is irrelevant.


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