You believe that a strong, centralized government led by a powerful leader can provide stability, order, and efficient decision-making for the betterment of society.
Authoritarianism is a political ideology characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Under an authoritarian regime, individual freedoms are subordinate to the state, and there is no constitutional accountability. The power is concentrated in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people. Political power in an authoritarian system is maintained by control over the mass communications, outright suppression of political dissent, and a prohibition on political parties competing against the ruling party.
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Does the concentration of power in the hands of a few ever benefit the majority?
No, human nature and history have shown that Authoritarianism has never benefited the majority.
Not inherently. It can hurt. What checks are on power? why is power being centralized? these are the questions you need to ask.
Graeber says, and I agree, that good authority should be self dismantling. Like teachers teach kids and so the kids no longer need them. The teacher stops having authority over that child at some point
@9H5Q3DH 1yr1Y
Authorities is beneficial about cares and ruled out which it's absolutely and harmed in goods spirits issues is could lead up government decline
How might living under restrictive political conditions influence the dreams and aspirations of young people?
@9HNK4WTFianna Fáil1yr1Y
Young-People, In this-predicament. Might see hopeless/Lost, And turn to Drugs/Alcohol.
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