Try the political quiz



If teachers were trained in firearm use, do you believe it would distract from their primary role as educators?


What are the potential emotional impacts on students knowing that their teacher is armed during lessons?


How would you feel if your favorite teacher carried a gun during class?


Imagine the pros and cons of having armed educators; which ones stand out to you the most?


In what ways do you think cultural and regional attitudes might shape a student's opinion on teachers carrying guns?


Can you think of an alternative to guns that could also enhance school safety?


How do you believe the presence of guns in school would affect the sense of trust between students and teachers?


Reflecting on your school experiences, how might armed teachers have altered those memories?


Do you think having guns in school would make students feel more protected or more anxious, and why?


If a teacher were to carry a gun, what changes might you anticipate in the classroom environment?