Ireland has been neutral in international relations since the 1930s. The nature of Irish neutrality has varied over time, and has been contested since the 1970s. In 2012, the Oireachtas established a joint committee to review petitions submitted by the public on the matter. An early petition sought clarification of government policy in relation to the use of Irish airspace by foreign military aircraft. In 2013–16 the committee held discussions with the petitioners, government members, the Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and academics, and issued a rep…
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@9D9S2NK 2yrs2Y
No but we should do a Switzerland style neutrality, be neutral but also have a strong military to defend ourselves
Yes, however add military service requirements for those who do not wish to go to third level college, work or apprentice after second level education.
No, but trading aid and weapons to countries under assault from authoritarianism should be an exception
@9ZBMXX7Social Democrats4mos4MO
No but the government should invest more money on our military so that we can better protect our neutrality without relying on our allies for defence
We should stay neutral and stop letting aircraft's involved in ongoing conflicts refuel in Shannon airport
I think neutrality is good but we need to reconsider if we are fitting that definition, ex. Allowing war related planes to land here.
I believe that Ireland is semi neutral when it comes to military neutrality. As a country, Ireland protects itself by remaining neutral from being attacked by countries with high military capabilities. However, the US army does fuel its military planes in Shannon airport. So I do think in allowing this, Ireland automatically sides with the US on who they support in wars
I think we should keep neutrality, but increase our defense training and recruitment in case of the need to defend our country.
It should be entirely neutral. Right now it claims to be yet allows military-related planes to refuel and ships to dock
Ireland should remain neutral, while also increasing our own military ie, better pay, incentives, to join etc.
We should stay neutral but act neutral more effectively, i.e not allowing the US military to use our airports
Not necessarily, however military neutrality does not mean moral neutrality and that must be understood
It shouldn’t end there stance on neutrality but they should stop sending our army to dangerous places such as the Lebanon at the moment due to the being involved in the war in Palestine
@9YLXL2V 4mos4MO
Depends on the definition of neutrality and if that implies complicity in such things like letting military aircraft through Shannon to carry weapons to fund a genocide and wars.
We were never neutral anyways they just liked to say they were when in reality we always chose a side
I think if the country needs to defend itself then yes but otherwise it shouldn't end it's neutrality
Ireland should return to being actually neutral, we are currently a massive cheerleader for NATO and America (the big brother of the country currently commiting genocide) in practice
No, not unless we are under direct threat should we ever get involved in the wars of othe countries. But I do support our peacekeeping troops work.
Ireland should not engage in war unless it is for peacekeeping purposes, but we should take a side on some political conflicts in the world
On the question of Israelis occupation of palestine yes, end neutrality. Do not stand idly by watching a genocide
No, military neutrality should be subject to a referendum so it can be enshrined and protected in our constitution.
No, but we a better budget for our military and updated equipment. Also an Irish based MRE company to provide for our troops.
I personally think a neutral stance is weak we should have the right to have arms and defence systems to protect our country incase anything ever did happen, the world is a very unpredictable place. We should not be joining nato and fighting in Ukraine I don’t agree with this.
Neutrality is fine. Investing in Defence and modernisation of the defence forces in line with EU and NATO partners and ability to defend our skies and seas is most important
No, Ireland should strengthen it's tradition of neutrality through binding legislation or constitution amendment,
While I feel it would be best to stay the same I do not think it matters. We are too closely alligned with western countries and it is obvious where our loyalties lie. I thin we should keep neutrality while also increasing our focus on defensive actions
Yes. Ireland should remain neutral in external conflicts but work with neighbours to improve and invest in national defence.
Honestly I can see us joining NATO in the future, but for now we should focus on building up our military and developing a policy of armed neutrality before we consider NATO membership.
Ireland should continuously analyse the current & potential future risk posed to it by international bad actors (eg Russia) as this changes over time. At the same Ireland should ensure it's current military resources are sufficient to meet all current & future risks for both self-defence and any missions with the EU or UN
Yes, but only if it guaranteed that our defence budget would increase to atleast €2 billion
I'm agree with neutrality as Conservatives and liberals can agree on it
No and we should abolish the military
No, and we should stop providing foreign military re-fueling for war at airports.
It should. Send out the military to help in countries with a lack of troops.
No, we'd get destroyed in any major conflict due to the size of the country and we've always prided ourselves on neutrality and not meddling with the affairs of third-world countries like Britain and the USA
@9CY39VWSocial Democrats2yrs2Y
No, and increase and reform the Defence Forces to be able to defend our neutrality. Allow for lethal military aid to be sent selectively to other nations during conflicts, such as Ukraine.
@9CX7B2VSocial Democrats2yrs2Y
Yes but align closer with the EU but not NATO
Yes, but only to help liberate Palestine from the Fraudsteins
For the time being yes, until the political landscape changes in a way that threatens the country.
It should be updated but no I don't think we end our traditional policy of military neutrality
No, however a Swiss style Armed Neutrality system would be ideal
No but should send soldiers to countries facing war with little troops.
Retaliate if attacked first
Yes, our actions aren't neutral.
It should be open to a referendum
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