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They should be able to sit in the Dáil and have a small input when topics that effect the north are being discussed


Without the context of how it would impact dail operations or constituents either side of the border, this is a difficult question to answer. If it's with a view to a united Ireland, then absolutely yes.


governmentally they arent a part of the same country, however if the county were to choose to relinquish a position in the united kingdom government then i dont see whu not

 @9Z997FSSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Yes, but only participating in sessions in the Dáil that affect Northern Ireland as well as the Republic


If the topic has an effect on the island of Ireland as a whole, yes. But not a permanent seat unless we are reunified.


If it will benefit a United Ireland and peoples livelihood. Not to add ‘British perspective’ to Irish politics


If an agreement with NI and Ireland was created that we could have some irish politicians over in that Parliament


deffitly but only if republican citizens can vote for northern politicans and northern citezens vote for republican politicans or combined both northern and republican partys.

 @9ZDJM2NSinn Féin answered…4mos4MO

Yes, especially if the question of unification is to be brought up, This will endure all parties have the same information and get their points across in the same forum


They should be allowed sit in with no input unless they are asked or if the matter is regarding both north and south


only for all island policies or possibly boarder communities. but not for policy that won’t affect the north


It depends of said elected parliament seats can benefit to the Republic of Ireland and vice versa for the Republic of Ireland with Northern Ireland


No, but a cross border committee should be established invoking representatives from both parliaments


I believe members of the northern parliament should be allowed confer and discuss polices with members of the dáil

 @9ZBJK2YSinn Féinanswered…4mos4MO

no, but there should be a regular forum of discussion between both parliaments to ensure continued cooperation and peace between the two states


Sure but only when topics concerning both sides of the border are discussed and the republics TD’s have the same opportunity

 @9ZCLRZWSinn Féin  from Maine  answered…4mos4MO

I would like to say yes, but would that not mean they are actually there under the British government and not Irish… So my answer is no.

 @9ZHLD2NSocial Democratsanswered…4mos4MO

Yes if they are from nationalist, all-island parties and the discussions to do with cross-border issues


No feel that it would be only those elected in Ireland. They can may give views but not voting as currently they are a separate nation

 @9MXGKCTFine Gaelanswered…10mos10MO

If the discussion or work is involving a cross boarder issue or discussion of unity they should be able to do a working visit.


Yes but only when all parties in the north work for all the people and work together for the good of all the people.

 @9LRVPFWIndependent Leftanswered…11mos11MO

No, but there should be an all-island body containing elected members from both sides that consults on issues that might affect the entire island.


Yes to a degree, it is important to take their opinion into consideration on certain issues, particualrly those that will have implications for the North.


Yes, if they are in favour of unified Ireland: they represent the voices of potential future fellow countrymen


Yes, members of the Northern Irish Assembly at Stormont should be able to represent the same constituencies in the Dáil

 @9NPQ5W6 answered…9mos9MO

In aid of unity yes. In the present circumstances of Northern Ireland and the republic being separate, no

 @9PSYPDPFine Gaelanswered…9mos9MO

No but members of both parliaments should meet regularly to discuss and co-operate on island wide affairs


Yes they should when we talk about investing in Northern Ireland the Immergration & the Irish language & Covid19 & Brexit


It would probably cause a sovereignty conflict with Great Britain so no, they should not.


Constituencies in the North of Ireland should be allowed to elect TDs to the Dáil. Stormont MLAs and Westminster MPs should not sit in the Dáil.


Not until there is there is a btmetter relationship between North and south

 @95SM4SJFine Gaelanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, they have the right to sit in Westminster and Stormont,why not the dail as well


A repersentive body of Northern Irish Mps should sit in on relevant meetings/boards.


They should be able to attend as observers, and contribute to debates, but not have a vote.

 @8ZVQCLCFianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only when addressing issues that affect the entire island of Ireland

 @8ZCXFYRFianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes if it involves Northern Ireland and that Irish tds be allowed sit in stormonth

 @8ZBJCZFFianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but I don't see how Unionist politicians such as those in the DUP would want to do this

 @8YYTV56Social Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes but it there becomes a united ireland or an agreement to rule ireland as a whole instead of the possibility of conflict between laws

 @8YLXLQPSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes their as important as Lisa Chambers Eammon Ryan & Mary Lou Mcdonald

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only if referendums held on both Northern Ireland and the Republic agree


No, but people in Northern Ireland should be able to elect TDs directly to the Dáil.


Sit, yes if they wish. Discuss decisions made by the Irish government which may impact the north. They should not have a vote or push through laws which are not applicable to them in the dail though.



Aontaím, mar tá sé tabachtach go mbíonn glór ag gach duine Éireannach faoi fud an hOileán na hÉireann i nDáil - Yes, because it's important that every Irish person throughout the island of Ireland has a voice in the Dáil


Yes, only after a peblicite in both nations and only if northern Ireland was an independent nation


An All-Ireland council should be set up for coordinating between Stormont and the Dail


On occasion their input could be valuable. We do live on the same island.


I think when Ireland and The United Kingdom establish a better Brexit agreement then maybe

 @8PBLS6TSinn Féinanswered…4yrs4Y

Yes but Only if an issue being discussed is relevant to both North and South.


until reunification otherwise they'll have to be happy with the cross border agencies they have at the moment


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