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 @9FF38D8Sinn Féindisagreed…7mos7MO

That is the flag that represents us as people we fought for that flag for hundreds of years for our freedom and this is what u do

 @9LS3362Independentagreed…6 days6D

A piece of cloth cannot represent an entire country and a nation should not be boiled down to such a simple thing


The flag is the symbol of our nation. The pride, legacy, death and rebirth. To burn the flag is to spit in the face of the men and women that have come before for better or for worse, we are Irish and the Irish flag is our banner. Wear it with pride.
It might be called the Irish Government but the flag belongs to the people, it always has and it always will, in any country not just ours.

 @9GHZ7GKSinn Féindisagreed…6mos6MO

people have died for this country and the right to publicly display the flag, the flag represents the past, current and future generations of the country. It is a universal image that has the ability to bring people together and instill a sense of pride while doing so, the flag itself represents peace and unity in our country.


It's the flag of peace and of Ireland, our ancestors fought and died for it and we should live for it

 @9FZ6KXHSinn Féindisagreed…7mos7MO

You should be disgusted with the fact that you have to burn the Irish flag to make yourself seem big


It represents every man women and child living or dead in Ireland is directly disrespectful to them.


It’s á representative of every man women & child who is living or dead in Ireland. It’s a direct disrespect and insult to any Irish person.

 @9F675VZRepublican Sinn Féindisagreed…8mos8MO

People should love the country they’re born in and you you burn the flag then you don’t belong here and can leave


There is a meaning behind the Flag, it’s not just a piece of cloth, it should be respected because it represents something.

 @9FCPXQVRepublican Sinn Féindisagreed…8mos8MO

the irish flag showcases the struggles of the irish people after being colonised for over 800 years and demonstrates our want for peace. burning the irish flag is disrespectful to all the great irish hero’s who died for our independence and freedom and the burning of the flag should be illegal


It is disrespectful to the whole nation and the people who died fighting for it and should be illegal to burn the flag.


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