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37 Replies


Yes, as long at the parents are going to make a useful contribution to the country, ie work and pay taxes.


They should be allowed reunite in their native countries, and the French Govt should give them practical support (eg, financial) to remain in their native territories.


Yes families should be together but government shouldn't be expected to pay everything,migrants need to be working here


Viable options need to be given for this to make sense. Parents need to have the proper arrangements in the form of housing, potential job security and financial stability


as long migrants should be working and not claiming from the state, should be able to prove they can provide for themselves and background checks.

 @9ZJDJBGSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Provided their family has lived in France for an extended period of time and is contributing to society ie. not receiving state benefits, must be working


I'm sorry what? Join their families where? Why are they not allowed? This question needs some context but in short yes let them see their families???

 @9DKRPY6Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

If that person is educated and has a job and can financially support themselves then yes on a case by case basis

 @9D5TLMKFine Gaelanswered…2yrs2Y

Provided their family has lived in Ireland for an acceptable period of time.


This question makes no sense, I am assuming this speaks about migrant adults leaving their kids behind to travel across the seas to Europe, if a parent will leave their children behind like that the should have no right to that kid, if you live in Europe and and lets say you move from Ireland to Germany for better opportunities and leave you children at the airport you will most likely lose rights to that child face a criminal trail maybe be put in a mental hospital its abuse, Their should be services set up in the regions where this is happening to educate and teach the children and provide shelter and food etc but in that region and the parents should be looked at as criminals.


No child should ever be separated from their parents, or in other cases guardians. Children are absolutely innocent in every circumstance and should be the absolute priority of protection. That being said, I am not including adult children.

 @9KZLTFBIndependent Leftanswered…11mos11MO

Depending if they are under 18, Ireland should not be taking in any more migrants, as we have our own people to worry about


As long as they're under the age of 18 and their parents are responsible for their well being and not to become a burden on the state.


Yes, imagine being cruel enough to want to separate children from their parents

 @8YLXLQPSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

That needs to reviewed because its a delicate issue you talk about children of migrants who live in French territories


Children and kids increase and the amount of charge with intellectual and disabled rights and have a child family life's not allowed voilance at times rape kidnaps with murder the nursery with baby's and use knife killing by law not ok court of appeal new Zealand and HAMILTON West which it can offer money towards it Auckland and Manukau more killing ram raide shopping centres Wellington born youth when a baby turns in custody and court director by lawyer understand poilce rules with criminal victims


No. But if they want to join their parents in French territories then yes.

 @99JZW2BSocial Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

If the migrants can financially support their children. Or they have achieved citizenship.



Have migrants join their families by leaving french territories to where their children are.


Children younger than 12 years old should be allowed to join their families from French Territories.

  @8P6PWZP from Louisiana  answered…4yrs4Y


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