DRI chair TJ McIntyre warned that Irish law in the area of accessing communication data is quickly becoming a "crucial one" given the presence here of top internet giants, such as Google, Microsoft and Twitter. He said courts and governments in the US and the UK were exploring whether their laws could reach into Ireland and force these companies to disclose personal data. And he said that a pending High Court case taken by DRI is likely to strike down Ireland's laws on data retention. "We have almost nothing in comparative terms [regarding oversight] to what they have in Britain," said Mr McIntyre, a law lecturer in University College Dublin.
@B3KGCYT5 days5D
No, but the providers of the services should be allowed to send the information to the government if needed
If they are employed by the stae and its a work phone yes anything else you are going into dictorship
Yes, the option should be available in order to combat terrorism, but this should be done with independent oversight, and a warrant from a judge should be required in order to monitor a given individual from the public.
Yes, but only in extreme circumstances and must be approved by a judge and must be done so against a person suspected of a serious crime
They should not monitor phone call or emails. However, if a person has history of criminal activities and terrorism. They have lost their rights to privacy therefore, it should be monitored
No, because even if that could be useful in certain circumstances, it is too great of a risk if it falls into the wrong hands
Yes but ONLY for those who may be involved in terrorism or crime. If no evidence can be found after a period of a month or two then all surveillance must be stopped at once.
No, unless they have a court order and limited to individual persons suspected of a crime.
Yes, but only by court order and limited to individual persons suspected of a crime.
Yes, to counteract subterfuge by foreign by US Jewish interests and Israel (and possibly others less powerful/capable of subterfuge).
Yes, but only by a court order and against a target reasonably suspected of serious criminal activity
Only in extraordinary circumstances where public safety is in danger
Yes, but only for those with criminal backgrounds and a court order is also necessary
Yes, but only for those with criminal backgrounds or suspected terrorism
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