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 @9FX2PTVPBB Solidaritydisagreed…7mos7MO

All people are entitled to equal rights and queer couples should be able to adopt children in the same way as heterosexual couples as they are no different.

 @9FDYD5FSinn Féindisagreed…7mos7MO

Couples that want to provide children with a nurturing home and environment and are choosing to do so would have far better means to take care of a child than some heterosexual people who have accidental pregnancies who might not have the financial ability to look after the child.


I don’t have a solid argument but suspect some sort of religious justification or perhaps bullying in school would be used to counter


Couples that want to provide children with a nurturing home and environment and are choosing to do so would have far better means to take care of a child than some heterosexual people who have accidental pregnancies who might not have the financial ability to look after the child.


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