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No, and gay couples should not be able to adopt children, this is indoctrination. The child is far more likely to be lgbt. It’s fact

 @9ZFHJTH from Maine  commented…5mos5MO

Both myself and my partner are from families with opposite sex parents, who "indoctrinated" us?


I think the can adopt once every couple who biologically can create life trough the act of sex have been offered the opportunity first, a man and a man or woman and woman can not naturally produce a baby so the man and woman couples who can naturally produce but are having difficulty's should be offered.


Yes, gay couples having children should be normalised and encouraged, if they have the same capabilities with children as heterosexual couples


I think there should be an option to give the children to a socially normal family first before a gay family. But ultimately I think a child should have a home and it shouldn’t matter who with.


Neither, the emphasise should be what is in the best interest of the child not the sexual orientation of parents. I would probably say though in most instances a father and mother would be in their best interest.


I believe they should have the same rights, however I believe a mother and father family provides the best base for a child


Yes, but after background checks


If straight people have to be background checked why not. But it's a weird double standard to have that caveat.

 @9NN29JZSinn Féinanswered…10mos10MO

I believe all homes, both straight and homosexuals should be background checked. I don't believe trans people should be allowed adopt, as if they are struggling with their own identity, how can they be expected to raise a child and help them understand their own identity.

 @9FF3CYCRepublican Sinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

If the straight couple have tried for a baby and failed countless times they should have priority over 2 who cannot conceive a child.


Mixed. I dont like the forced culture. if they act normal and not have crazy idealogy like trans and stuff.


While I think gay couples may be better parents than alot of straight couples i think it might create difficulties for young teenage kids fitting in with their peers.


Straight couples should get priority however if gay couples pass background checks then they should be allowed to adopt


Yes as long as the relevant background checks are passed, the same as straight couples have to go through. However I would say that straight couples who cannot conceive should be prioritized as this is the way our bodies are designed, for straight couples to conceive a child and when they cannot, assuming they complete background checks they should be prioritized and protected in this area. However I would say that gay couples who can provide a safe, nurturing and loving environment for a child should also be allowed to adopt. At the end of the day we need to ensure above all else these helpless children are going to safe homes where they can be cared for and protected.


Yes I believe they should have the same rights but I don’t necessarily believe that gay couple provide a better family structure for a child


1 don't think sexual orientation of parents matter as long as they pass all background check and the parents match best interest for the child.


No, although I believe everyone should be able to raise a child whether they’re gay or straight. At the end of the day a baby needs a mother and a father.


gay couples and straight couples should take parenting classes, pass a background check and attend some form of therapy to see if they are mentally suitable for parenting to prevent issues such as domestic violence and child abuse.


Adoption should be a last resource for all children in care. Reunification is the goal not family forming for couples.


Yes as they have every right to have a family like everyone else again a personal life shouldn’t have to be brought up init law common sense is needed a lot more if you don’t like that fine but there other people that do and that fine to so why is someone right so important to the law because there gay ir a women makes no sense

 @9J6SMBCSinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

I don’t see saying no as fair as there is too many babies in orphanages yet I think it’s is very wrong for a child to grow up with same sex parents


They should have the same rights, but I think straight couples (in same circumstances as comparable gay couple) should be given priority as studies have shown that not having the typical maternal and paternal figures in your life can negatively impact child development.


No, but, I do believe that lesbian couples have better chance of raising kids under a female and male role

 @8RR3B8NRenua Irelandanswered…4yrs4Y

If there is an option between sending a child to a straight couple or a gay couple providing that there is no mental issues with either of the straight couple it should always be the straight couples child as you need both a father and a mother figure in their life

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

No, and I don't believe adoption should be legal for anyone given the exploitation it's based upon both domestically and internationally


I believe they must be chosen by a mother or the child and if they want the couple then its fine


Gays are more likely to be affiliated with narcissism so this creates higher chance of exploitation of the system and higher sexual deviance. There should be more checks before and after to show mental stability and a safe home environment. Non gay couples should be prioritised but kids homes are rife in sexual abuse and lack nurturing guidance so its better to have the option there than not


Yes, but adoption agencies should prioritize offering children to straight couples before offering to gay couples


I truly believe that having 2 fathers cannot be healthy for a child’s growth. A mother’s love, intuition, and connection to a child is a different case and those I would be somewhat inclined to be against two males raising a child.

I am though totally open to changing that view.

 @987TYBDfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y


Yes they should . Have the same right to adopt but I think important to have the role model of missing gender from the parents freind so they have. A grasp of what a mum and dad is


Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks as straight couples and the mother and father family structure is best for the child.


Should the rights of the ends government ruled and could leave more gays in new Zealand HAMILTON EAST and power with Ireland grounds graves


Yes but as long as it doesn’t force religious institutions to change their ethos.


If the child doesn’t mind not having a mum or a dad and having both mum or dad


Yes, but i believe a mother and father family structure is best for the child.


No-one has "adoption rights"; adoption is about what's best for the child not the adopter.


Ideally I believe a child should have access to both a father and a mother. However, where this is not possible, gay couples should be able to adopt children.

 @8YP37XZFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

although i think its important to have a mum and a dad gay people should still be able to adopt aslong as they provide the needs required its nice also so everyone can learn about eachother family and how its not always man and woman i do feel like the child that is adopted by a gay couple dont have the same developmet


I would give heterosexual couples priority, but not completely exclude gay couples, especially if they are related to the child


If a child can be provided a stable, loving environment, what significance, if any, do you believe the sexual orientation of the adoptive parents has?


Reflect on the role a parent's gender plays in parenting; does it matter if a child has two moms, two dads, or one of each?


The rights of the child are what matter and should be the focus of any debate on ‘adoption rights’


If the ultimate goal is to provide a loving home for a child, how do you think the sexual orientation of the parents factors into this?


Can you think of any reasons why a gay couple might be more or less suited to adoption than a straight couple?


Does the need for more adoptive families in many parts of the world affect your perspective on who should be able to adopt?


How might the experience of a child raised by gay parents differ from one raised by straight parents, if at all?


Thinking about the idea of 'traditional family values,' how do you see these concepts adapting as society changes?


How do you think your own upbringing would influence your view on whether gay couples should have the same adoption rights as straight couples?


How do you think historical attitudes toward LGBT individuals might impact their rights to adopt today and how has this changed over time?


What personal qualities do you think are most important for adoptive parents to have, and are these related to sexual orientation?


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