Try the political quiz

3 Replies


Yes and the government should place more emphasis on alternate ways of accessing the qualifications necessary


Women of merit should be appointed to the boards which should eventually reach 50% . But women should not just be appointed because they are women .


Only if there is discrimination in the business. If everyone is equal and it just happened that all board members were male, that's fine and vice versa (and anyone else no matter what they identify as!)


No but the government should do more to encourage diversity in the workplace - overall diversity, not just women.

 @98B4RF9from Texas answered…1yr1Y

Private Business should be abolished, and capitalism altogether done away with


No, but if there is no diversity on the board, they should be required to demonstrate why it isn't necessary


No, changing the environment so that women are equally likely to end up on the board is more important


Yes, but the women should be employed for their skills and qualifications, not just to fill the role of a female staff member


Yes, but the requirement should only be according to the ratio of male to female employees within the organisation


Yes, but equal opportunities should be offered by interviewing a demographic based on a reflection of the population and ultimately the best person for the job should be hired

 @8ZWHFR8Social Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

No, but the government should require workplace diversity in general and have ways of dealing with abuses


If there are 2 people equally qualified and need a diversity hire. There



Not required, but not discriminated against to the point of actually having none on the board.


But only if there are deemed to have the correct skills experience and aptitude for the position

 @8VT36Y5Fianna Fáilanswered…3yrs3Y

They can and cant it doesnt matter what gender as long as they arent excluding a certain gender


Sometimes they should bring in a woman who has experienced it. For issues like abortion.


Yes and they should also be required to have black women represented on every board


Board members should be the most qualified regardless of gender, but some checks to ensure that discrimination does not take place may be necessary


It shouldn’t be required, but it shouldn’t be that a woman can’t be a director at all


Yes, if anyone is qualified for the job they deserve to have the job


This is a neoliberal take more should be done rather than focus on representation on a board


No, but it should be a requirement for government funding, subsidies, or contracts.




No, but they should be required to promote diversity through initiatives etc


No, but companies should do more to promote equality, and encourage women to strive for leadership positions.


Yes but only if they are fully qualified and until there is more of a balance in high-up positions


No, just like men should not be required to be on a board of directors, it just doesn't make sense.


No, people should be hired on their qualifications and skills, not their gender or race


Yes, and the government should do more to require diversity in the workplace however board members should be the most qualified as possible


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