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2 Replies


Kind of! For long term benift recipients. Everyone should be given a year of benefits depending on the amount of years ant tax payed.


Testing needs to be done before getting social welfare benefits. If a person got a positive results then they should get treatment of 6 or 12 month period then they will be allowed to get social welfare benefits. Once that person qualified, government should do a random drug testing for 12 month period. then prepare them to get a job in ireland for 5 years. Also, all government employees and politicians needs to be tested for drugs, and other.


We need to reform this sector because its the case of medical treatment not for those who are using drugs on a recreational basis


Yes, but provide treatment for those who want the help but reduce the benefits who doesn't want help


No, only if they have a violent drug related criminal record or have engaged in the illegal trafficking and/or distribution of drugs.


Yes, however if they test positive for marijuana there should be Jo negative repercussions


No, but if they are arrested in possession of, or selling drugs, their benefits should be cut. Repeat offenders should have their benefits terminated.



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