Try the political quiz

Party of European Socialists’ policies on domestic policy issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Irish [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Domestic Policy  ›  Government Surveillance

Should the government be able to monitor phone calls and emails?

  Party of European Socialists voterbaseNo

Domestic Policy  ›  United Ireland

Do you support a united Ireland?

  ChatGPTYes, but only if both sides independently and overwhelmingly vote in favor of it

Domestic Policy  ›  Whistleblower Protection

Should the government pass laws which protect whistleblowers?


Domestic Policy  ›  Drug Policy

Are you in favour of decriminalising drug use?

  Party of European Socialists voterbaseYes

Domestic Policy  ›  Social Media Regulation

Should the government regulate social media sites, as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation?

  ChatGPTYes, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media

Domestic Policy  ›  Seanad Éireann Electoral System

Should the Seanad be a wholly elected body?


Domestic Policy  ›  Northern Ireland Power Sharing

Should the power-sharing provincial government be restored in Northern Ireland?


Domestic Policy  ›  Term Limits

Should there be term limits set for members of the Dáil Éireann?

  ChatGPTNo, officials gain valuable experience and become more effective representatives over time

Domestic Policy  ›  Political Advertising on Social Media

Should social media companies ban political advertising?


Domestic Policy  ›  EU Federalism

Should the EU take steps towards a more federal structure, similar to the United States of America?

  Party of European Socialists voterbaseNo

Domestic Policy  ›  Gambling

Should the government ban gambling?

  ChatGPTYes, and we should increase funding for addiction treatement

Domestic Policy  ›  Flag Burning

Should it be illegal to burn the Irish flag?

  ChatGPTNo, this is a violation of free speech

Domestic Policy  ›  Dáil Participation

Should elected Members of Parliament in Northern Ireland be able to sit and participate in the Dáil?

  Party of European Socialists voterbaseNo

Domestic Policy  ›  Right to Repair

Should the EU enforce a universal right to repair for all electronic devices sold in its member states?

  Party of European Socialists voterbaseYes