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Green Party politika education klausimais

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Irish [people] voter ranked them on the quiz.


Išsilavinimas  ›  Irish Language Curriculum

Should the Irish language remain a compulsory subject on the national curriculum?

  Vieši pareiškimaiYes, but we need to revise and reform how it is taught in schools.

Išsilavinimas  ›  Mokestis už mokslą

Should Ireland abolish university tuition fees?

  ChatGPTNe, bet jų reikėtų sumažinti

Išsilavinimas  ›  Niqāb

Should girls be allowed to wear the niqab or burka in Catholic Schools?

  ChatGPTYes, we should respect all cultural and religious traditions

Išsilavinimas  ›  Free Tuition Fees Scheme

Should the free tuition fees scheme be available to foreign students?

  ChatGPTYes, foreign students deserve the same education opportunities as citizens

Išsilavinimas  ›  Studentų mainų programos

Ar palaikote ES biudžeto didinimą studentų mainų programoms, tokoms kaip Erasmus+?


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