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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2mos2MO

Qatar Expels Hamas Leaders, Withdraws from Gaza Peace Talks


 @D1plom4tButterfly from North Carolina linked…1yr1Y

Over 50% of Gaza buildings destroyed in war


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2mos2MO

Israel Settles for Ceasefire in Lebanon


 @AwedP4nda from Texas linked…1yr1Y

Israel plans for ‘long war’


 @BrightSupr3meCourtfrom Virginia  linked…1yr1Y

Gaza Is Falling Into ‘Absolute Chaos'


 @MeerkatLeo from North Carolina linked…1yr1Y

Gun battles near major Gaza hospital while thousands flee south


 @R1ghtWingSalt from Kansas linked…1yr1Y

How can so many people ignore genocide?


 @R3ferendumP4nda from Minnesota linked…1yr1Y

Biden Bypasses Congress On Weapons Sale To Israel


 @ZealfulChile from New Jersey linked…1yr1Y

Israel to Gaza residents: evacuate the South or die.


 @V0lunteerSnailfrom Wisconsin  submitted…11mos11MO

U.S. Proposed Ceasefire In Gaza Strip
