AI in defense refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance military capabilities, such as autonomous drones, cyber defense, and strategic decision-making. Proponents argue that AI can significantly enhance military effectiveness, provide strategic advantages, and improve national security. Opponents argue that AI poses ethical risks, potential loss of human control, and can lead to unintended consequences in critical situations.
It is sad that I almost feel we should, solely based on the fact that many other countries are doing so. But I still say definitely not. I think we should be a better example to other proposed 'powerful' countries to let go of such damaging and mistrusting methods
The investment should be regulated in order for it not to be abused and put a bad use. There’s a pro on a con to everything you do.
I think it is important to stay abreast of new technologies and make use of them in anyway that benefits the country.
I believe the government should invest in ai in some way partially, only ever as an information gathering and relaying tool to be observed by a human overseer but remaining neutral should be in our agendas which should include allocation of funds
As long as defence is not solely reliant on AI work. Situations heavily require a human touch as well
Not for everything, especially schools. It can allow for children to not use their brains to their full ability. It also has the potential to take jobs from people.
I believe the government should invest in ai in some way but remaining neutral should be in our agendas which should include allocation of funds
@9ZMXPBJPeople Before Profit4mos4MO
Yes, but it should be heavily regulated and slowly implemented, and not be used in critical situations. Should be used to make mundane
I think it should but should be more advanced because AI can still make a mistake and could identify the wrong person.
partially, only ever as an information gathering and relaying tool to be observed by a human overseer
@9ZD76XN 4mos4MO
Yes but heavily controlled by humans to help prevent any negative or unethical consequences
No and a computer can never be held accountable, therefore never place a computer in an accountable position
Yes, but it shouldn't be solely relied upon to make decisions
Yes but only because we would fall behind significantly if we didn’t.
Yes but only for calculations and tine scale reasons. It should not be allowed to develop an arsenal.
Some investment once it has become more reliable. Not at the expense of existing methods.
Yes if it can be trusted, but not at the expense of human jobs.
No, there is no current necessity to follow AI trends for defence purposes
Join NATO and outsource our defense to the Americans
To a degree yes, but effectively and with full understanding of what they are asking Ai to do and the potential outcomes to be considered
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