Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9NMY7P9Social Democratsdisagreed…4wks4W

The idea of mass surveillance in any country is a scary one, the addition of GPS tracking to our vehicles would lead to a slippery slope. Not only would the government have access to your driving data but also your location and frequent places. It wouldn't take much to convince people that using the data to prove innocence or to prevent crime would be positive and not an invasion of human rights. There simply isn't a need for GPS tracking, if we want to decrease the number of incidents on our roads we need to have an effective Road Safety Authority, an effective traffic force, and serious consequences for driving under the influence and speeding.


Government's do not need this amount of access to people's private lives as it could become an abuse of power


We are a free country and citizens have a right to privacy and the government shouldn’t have the right to track our driving habits and whereabouts at all times


Where is the freedom of the Irish people in this scenario? All this will serve to do is increase revenue from fines


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