White privilege is being able to move about socially, go into various public places, apply for jobs or approach people without having to consider how they will react to you, because you're the "right colour".
Main character syndrome, and a lack of education, self awareness and empathy.
White people rarely experience prejudice in this country based on their skin colour.
@9M5J9V2 7mos7MO
White people often don't understand the concept of white privilege because racism is not something they
Some people have never experienced racism in their lives
I think some people struggle to understand the concept because they can’t see how it’s happening or it could have always been like that for them
@9KCJNGDSocial Democrats12mos12MO
We as Irish people are quite sheltered to our white privilege. As we don't always encounter people from other ethnicities or cultured, we aren't exposed and knowledgeable.
@9KC2MMCSocial Democrats12mos12MO
It is very difficult to understand something when you don't want to, and haven't made any attempt to educate yourself. Schools are the place for education, and our schools do more to perpetuate racism, than fight against it.
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