In November 2018 German chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron of France announced that they would support the creation of a European army. Ms. Merkel said that the EU should rely less on the U.S. for military support and that “Europeans should take our fate more into our own hands if we want to survive as a European community.” Ms. Merkley said the army would not oppose NATO. President Marcon said the army is needed to protect the EU against China, Russia and the United States. Proponents argue that the EU lacks a united defence force to handle sudden conflicts outside of NATO. Opponents question how the army would fund itself since many EU countries spend less than 2% of their GDP on defence.
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@9ZSRM28 3mos3MO
Yes but also in a way that Ireland can keep its neutrality, safety with allies but not active aggressors
I feel we more or less already have one with NATO, Not allowing countries to make decisions for themselves militarily could be more dangeroud. However europe has massively falling behind in this aspect so there might be a time were it becomes needed
No I absolutely hate the idea that army’s exist….grown men and women should be able to sit and talk abt disagreements between country’s instead of needing an army for war
No, but it is a good idea for EU armed forces to co-operate on actions and missions where there is a common EU interest and where it might not be appropriate for the UN to be involved
We must dismantle those parties on the left that means we must look at a progressive European Army
Yes- but for peace keeping duties only.
Yes if countries can still control there individual armys and the EU army should work like UN peacekeepers
Yes, but only if the European Army can safely replace NATO
@96ZHD97Fianna Fáil2yrs2Y
I would need to see how it acts out first
Yes, and then every national army should be disarmed
@93447F3Social Democrats3yrs3Y
Yes but countries can abstain
@8ZP8PFFSocial Democrats3yrs3Y
Yes, as it will allow for much better coordination and for the cost to be shared equitably by all members.
@8ZBJCZFFianna Fáil3yrs3Y
No, NATO exists for this purpose
An EU taskforce would be fine, but not a permanent army
Only if true military action is being taken against the EU itself then yes but a diplomatic option should be answered first
We must protect Europe from China and Russia and from the far right. However, how will an EU army work? Who will control it?
Yes but focus more on continental emergencies such as natural disasters and capturing criminals fleeing from countries
I would support an alliance
Only for peacekeeping purposes
@8PWLDL8Social Democrats4yrs4Y
Yes, but only a Defence Force
Only in terms of a defense against a war with Russia or the likes. The EU should not have the powers of a nation state.
if war is on the horizion, yes
I don’t think I know enough about this to form an opinion
Formation of a group peacekeeping force to work with the UN but maintain individual country militaries.
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