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79 Replies

 @9ZFHXMJSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

not all drugs but increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation and decriminalise drugs with medical benefits such as marijuana and decriminalisation for it recreationally and reduce sentences for those already serving time


yes, only for clinically controlled, commercially safe drugs, and only for relatively safe ages 25+ years of age to prevent brain deterioration.


Yes, for small personal use matters I think this should be treated as a health concern for the person rather than criminally convicting and revert them to health services as an alternative


I think decriminalising less harmful drugs first and adopting some of the schemes from other countries that have legalised them


Under strict licence and in controlled circumstances to take power and money away from criminal gangs and to provide support services and education for users and potential users


yes but provide the public with clinics where these individuals can go to safely use these drugs and be in a controlled environment. this protects both the individual and the public


Decriminalise and tax drugs to create more public funding and should also help addicts get more help if it’s legal


Just drugs like Marijuana I won't bring my daily sides to take this song on tour of the fact that there's an intelligent way. I find another publishing.


Yes we need to be able to study the benefits of certain drugs such as psilocybin. Ban alcohol if anything no benefits to it. As well to regulate use as drug use will occur anyway best to make it safer


Recreational drugs should be permitted in safe Invironments to help people addicted, if the law is changed anyone who is locked up for drugs should have their sentences looked at.

 @9ZVBZWV answered…2mos2MO

Yes, by legalising its use, it makes it easier to regulate its distribution and usage, and cuts the black market down substantially


Yes decriminalisation has been shown to improve statistics. Ireland currently has one of the highest rates of drug use in Europe. Portugals numbers have fallen immensely since decriminalisation, decriminalisation encourages and makes users more likely to seek help without fear or shame.


Yes and provide more services in relation to education and safe use of substances to reduce harm caused by in communities

 @9ZT96BY answered…2mos2MO

Decriminalise most illegal drugs with the exception of heroine. Use this money gained from marijuana consumption (taxes for import of drug and sale) to pay for better rehabilitation and drug aftercare

 @9ZT2433People Before Profitanswered…2mos2MO

Drug users should be helped in a safe respectful manner. Drug dealers should be targeted. More funding towards rehab and continuous support systems for drug users. Decriminalise drugs for medicinal benefits such as marijuana.


For health treatment only and to allow ecperimental drug trials to gain ground with vetter quality research.


I believe it should be decriminalised but also that more rehab centres should be available and that it should be more accessible, though i think that very dangerous drugs such as opioids should be criminalised outside of medicinal use.


Yes but of ones that have little to no harm done also need help centers tp help people get over the addiction. Putting people in prison for having an unhealthy copping mechanism isn't going to help anyone


I think drug use for most drugs shouldn't be a criminal offence but drug dealing should be and have a much tougher sentence. also need more funding for addiction and rehabilitation facilities


Yes, for medical access upon prescription only. Recreational use should not be legalised, but prosecution should only be used on those who traffic/grow/sell drugs illegally.


Decriminalise drug possesion, but should not be supplied in retail and more funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


Yes, but do not give drug addicts prescriptions for drugs and stop paying them the dole from social welfare. If they decide to take, let them earn for it. Stop treating both drug and alcohol addicts as sick people requiring treatment in public health system.


Yes, but in controlled uses such as prescription from a Dr for pain relief or mental health reasons, and for scientific research and clinical trials.


I am in favour of decriminalising drug use, but significantly increasing punishment for drug dealers


Decriminalise some drugs such as marijuana but not the majority, offer increased rehabilitation and prevention services


Decriminalise marijuana, tax it, and put the proceeds towards addiction prevention and rehabilitation.

 @9ZBWJ28Sinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Only if the drugs include medicinal marijuana etc. to help those with severe tremors caused by a disorder


I am for decriminalizing drug use and criminalizing the sale of drugs. Increasing support for drug users.


Some drugs such as marijuana should be decriminalised. However other drugs such as opioids or drugs such as meth or heroin should be illegal. Drug use should receive reduced sentencing while drug dealing should receive increased sentencing. there should also be more resources for drugs users and families that have been destroyed because of drug use

 @9Z9QNP9Sinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Yes but invest in proper rehabilitation and medical care to appropriately care for people that abuse drugs


Yes, for certain drugs offering medicinal benefits such as marijuana, but also increase punishment for drug dealers


increase funding for rehabilitation and addiction prevention, decriminalise drugs that offer medicinal benefits, reduce sentence on them serving time

 @9Z9CRFPSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, but only cannabis. Also reduce or completely get rid of sentences for those who have been involved with cannabis.


Increase punishment for drug dealers but also do not take away from the benefits of certain drugs for people who are sick. Better service for addiction

 @9YNJPRN answered…3mos3MO

No, but increase funding for drugs that offer medicinal benefits such as marijuana and also increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


Yes as there’ll be a chance of seeing less families seeing a loved one fall into the drug pat for it to be decriminalised people will less likely go for drugs

 @9YN53HBSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Yes but provide harsher sentences and laws for trafficers and dealer and stop treating addiction as a crime and start treating it as a mental health problem/disease


I believe that the likes of marijuana should be legalised but the more hardcore drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy should stay illegal


Yes to an extent - believe we should be providing better care for people in active addiction and recovery also like other countries

 @9ZMJNZRSocial Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, but put in place mandatory lengthy courses of counselling attendance and and addiction support that result in consequences if not attended.


Yes but only if services are created to help drug users caught overcome and deal with their addiction and it to be mandatory for them to attend


Yes, on the exception of high policing of the drugs and illegal substances and providing funding for addiction prevention of rehabilitation


Yes, decriminalising drugs reduces the stigma around addiction, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation


For lower class drugs people are using anyway such as marijuana so makes sense for the government to tax and use that tax to build support services for dual diagnosis clinics , mental health and drug addiction are treated separately in ireland but they are so closely linked.


Yes, not all drugs but only ones that are beneficial for medical reasons or mental health treatments and should only be used majority for treatment apart from marujana which should be controlled and sold in legal establishments, educational programmes should also be put into primary and secondary education courses as to provide the correct information for how drugs should be used

 @9ZCV6XYSinn Féinanswered…3mos3MO

Yes, and fund rehabilitation rehabilitation along with housing support and training and education opportunities

 @9H7CKHYSocial Democratsanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but with adequate support for drug addicts and no decriminalisation of drug dealing/trafficking


No increase more sites outcome to end in methionine and free drug holds which believe in response behavior government it's said


Yes to some drugs with medicinal benefits like merijuana and fund education of harm reduction and rehabilitation

 @9H6PSJ2Sinn Féinanswered…1yr1Y

Yes, but actively unincentivise using and selling drugs. Offer support facilities with a public healthcare system.


yes but only drugs that can help in a good way that will not damage peoples mental or physical health


We should promote safe drug use that has been proven by experts for safe use and should be cheap enough to force out illegal unsafe drugs


Yes, government should provide cleaner drugs in pharmacies and offer help for those suffering from addiction.

 @9FKHBJCFine Gaelanswered…1yr1Y

I think weed should be legal because it means it’s safer and a lot of ppl use it for recreational use and medical use but all other drugs should be illegal 1000%

 @9F597X2Independent Leftanswered…1yr1Y

Legalise all drugs and make available through government licensed premises.


Yes, for drugs like marijuana, and increase funding for addiction prevention and rehab for all drugs regardless of legality, and provide users with privacy and non-disclosure.

 @9JJWFYQ answered…1yr1Y

decrinimalise the likes of marijuana, reduce/release those already serving time (depending on the crime), and decrimialise it followed by class A abuse, meanwhile decriminalise class A amongst those in treatment.


Only weed as it is beneficial for many reasons. It reduces anxiety which is a major health issue for all ages currently. It is also great for chronic pain which I suffer with.


Yes, I don't agree with the legalisation of drugs but the legalisation of safe drugs will save many lives.



Only some lower classed drugs that can offer medical use aswell, and people should be encouraged to use then responsibly



Every drug has its own downs but some are very useful just for example Psychedelics they can be very Helpful for mental health issues for instance depression or ptsd


Yes, but make them in the millions, and punish any who smuggle cheaper drugs in harshly, 25 years minimum.

 @938F75CFine Gaelanswered…3yrs3Y

State monopolies for the sale of decriminalised drugs and high taxes on purchase for non-certified medical use.




Yes, but with scientific consensus that it is ok to do so, in addition to maintaining harsh sentences for drug dealing


Yes, but criminalize drug dealers while facilitating rehabilitation for users




 @99GFVT3from Maine  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and provide more knowledge on how to do drugs safely so people are less likely to get addicted or overdose


Yes but smart rehabilition measures need to be put in place beforehand.


no, increase funding for addiction prevention and rehabilitation and also decriminalise drives that offer medical benefits such as marijuana, which includes decreasing the sentence of drug dealers who have provided drugs for medicinal purposes


medical drug benefits should be legalised and those serving time should have their sentences dropped if the drug was medically helping them



Yes, instead of imprisoning drug users, make them take mandatory rehabilitation.


Yes, but only certain drugs and we should increase funding for rehabilitation and addiction prevention


Yes, and support increased funding for addiction prevention, treatments, and rehabilitation,
Offer beef farmers growing rights first to reduce the national herd.
Only drugs that offer medicinal benefits, at least in the short-term, the war on drugs has failed and there's huge money to be made (drug seizure departments can continue to jail people who sell while evading taxes(import)).
Keep anti-doping rules in sport, no need to encourage top-class sportspeople to take drugs for the competitive advantage.
Keep anti-drug adverts and highlight to festival-goers the impact high drug content Water negatively impacts freshwater animals
P-Profit for government
O-prevent Overdoses with safety regulations
T-stop Terrorists and gangs funding crime with drug money

 @9D2L2SYfrom Oregon  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but the policy should be a hands on policy like Portugals rather than a hands off policy


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