Try the political quiz

16 Replies


Yes term limits on performance and cut of pensions if found of misused power for gains of acquaintances


Term limits but have a criteria to reach to be eligible to have another term, and decrease pay and retirement benefits regardless


No but we need a set retirement age so we don’t have people over 65 running the country. Make it so you must be 61 at your time of re-election and older than that then you can’t run or something like that


No. There should be a vote every 4 years, asking citizens if they believe the current government is doing a good job or not. If not, a new election will be held. But the people in power should remain in power if the people corroborate that they are doing a good job.

 @conorbruce answered…9mos9MO

No, as i feel elections are good term limits but I do believe wages and benefits should be lowered for TD's


There should not be term limits. They should be tested in the cognitive abilities, Mental health, physicality and their past performance.

 @8ZJCKMHSocial Democratsanswered…3yrs3Y

No, but there should be a no moonlighting clause. If you are elected you should hold no business, shares, directorships, or rental property and you must retire to a public servant pension.


If the limits were less then they could think in longer terms for the future instead of smaller stints like only four years


No, but limit retirement benefits to only kick in when they reach retirement age, and remove benefits once they leave


 @8NNV8RTSocial Democratsanswered…4yrs4Y

they should be elected every so often just to keep updated with the best possible candidates we can have



Yes, but only after modernity has been completely eradicated from every institution by a populist leadership


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