
10 回复


Can you share an experience where political engagement or community advocacy made a real difference, and how does that shape your view on civic participation?


What role do you think your individual actions play in tackling climate change, and how empowered do you feel to make a difference?


If you could propose one policy to enhance the quality of life in your community, what would it be and why?


How important is access to mental health services to you, and can you describe the impact better mental health support might have had in your life or someone you know?


What are your thoughts on the current state of public transportation, and how might improvements there affect your daily life?


Have you encountered instances of social injustice, and what steps do you think could be taken to promote a more equitable society?


How do you believe a balance can be achieved between economic growth and sustainability, and can you share an example from your own community?


What changes would you make to the education system to better prepare students for the future, and why?


Have you, or someone you know, ever struggled with housing, and what solutions do you think could effectively address housing shortages and affordability?


What personal experiences have shaped your views on universal healthcare, and how do you see it impacting your future?