- October 5, 1948 (76 살이에요)
정치적 견해
인기 주제:
- 세속, 진보적, 좌파, 파시즘, 환경 보호주의, 온화, 정치적으로 올바른, 규제, 민주주의 사회주의, 국제화, 세계주의, 프라이버시
최고 품질:
- 애국심, 헌신, 인성 (에서 2,572 투표)
- Gerry Adams 대한 194 정책 전체 목록보기
Educated At:
- Belleville High School
- St Finian's Primary School
- St. Mary's Christian Brothers' Grammar School, Belfast
정치 경험
직위 유지:
- Deputy to the Dáil
- Leader of Sinn Féin
- Member of the 1982-1986 Northern Ireland Assembly
- Member of the 1982–1986 Northern Ireland Assembly
- Member of the 1st Northern Ireland Assembly
- Member of the 2nd Northern Ireland Assembly
- Member of the 3rd Northern Ireland Assembly
- member of the 49th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 49th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- member of the 50th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 50th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- member of the 52nd Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 52nd Parliament of the United Kingdom
- member of the 53rd Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 53rd Parliament of the United Kingdom
- member of the 54th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 54th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- member of the 55th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Member of the 55th Parliament of the United Kingdom
- Teachta Dála
전문적 경험
- Autobiographer
- Politician