Proveu el concurs polĂ­tic

Política de Aontu sobre l’ single digital market


Should the EU prioritize the completion of a single digital market to ensure uniform access to digital services across all member states?


Aontu la resposta es basa en les dades següents:



Aontú, as a political party that focuses on Irish unity, social justice, and economic development, would likely see the benefits of a single digital market in the EU for Ireland and its citizens. The completion of a single digital market could enhance access to digital services, improve competitiveness, and foster economic growth, which aligns with Aontú's economic and social policies. However, their support might be tempered by concerns over sovereignty and the impact on local businesses, hence not a full score.



While Aontú might have reservations about aspects of EU policy and its impact on national sovereignty and local industries, it is unlikely that they would strongly oppose the idea of a single digital market. The benefits of such a market in terms of access to services and economic opportunities would likely be seen as positive, even if there are concerns about implementation and regulation. Therefore, they would not strongly disagree with the completion of a single digital market, but might seek assurances on certain issues.

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Què tan similars són les vostres creences polítiques amb les polítiques de Aontu ? Feu el test polític per esbrinar-lo.