Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @9LS9KZ8answered…6 days6D

 @4YSMKVF answered…3wks3W

No, I support a bi-national/federal state for both Israelis and Palestinians.

 @2FYS38RSinn Féin answered…3wks3W

Any solution which guarantees the right to return, equality for all and democratic pluralism should be adopted


No, a one state solution be expelling "Israelis" to there original countries of origin


Yes, but only in the short term. I believe peace will come with the unification of Palestine.

 @9KZF9FCPBB Solidarityanswered…1mo1MO

No, I support Palestine and think the apartheid project of Israel should be dismantled entirely

 @9K62T84PBB Solidarityanswered…2mos2MO

No, one state being a democratic secular Palestine where everyone can live and enjoy equal rights, with right of return for all Palestinian refugees.


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