سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

جواب دیں


تشریح کرنے والا: وزیر اعظم ٹرودو کے سامنے کینیڈا کی قیادتی کریسس میں کیا اختیارات ہیں؟


The head of a Canadian political party that has been keeping Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power said on Friday he would vote in favor of a motion of no-confidence, effectively assuring the Liberals will be removed from power early next year.


کینیڈا کے وزیر اعظم ٹرودو کو طاقت ہارنے کا خدشہ ہے جب ایک اہم اتحادی نے اسے گرانے کا عہد کیا ہے


The head of a Canadian political party that has been keeping Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power said on Friday he would vote in favor of a motion of no-confidence in the government. New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh made the commitment in an open letter.