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 @ISIDEWITHbağlantılı…22 saat22H

Kürt militan liderinin barış çağrısı, Türkiye'de umut ve şüpheciliğe neden oluyor

Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan's call from prison for his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to lay down arms sparked both hope and scepticism in Turkey on Thursday, while analysts linked it to a possible bid to overcome presidential term limits.

 @ISIDEWITHbağlantılı…22 saat22H

Kürt ayrılıkçı lider, takipçilerine silahsızlanma çağrısında bulunarak, Türkiye ile beş on yıllık bir isyanı potansiyel olarak sona erdirebilir.

Kurdish militant leader Abdallah Ocalan has asked his followers in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to lay down arms and dissolve the group, potentially ending a decades-long conflict with Turkey that is estimated to have killed at least 40,

 @ISIDEWITHbağlantılı…22 saat22H

Açıklayıcı - Türkiye'de barış çağrısı: ana aktörler için ne var?

Ending the insurgency would be a major achievement for Turkey's president after past efforts failed to resolve a conflict in which more than 40,000 people have died since 1984. Erdogan has called it "one of the last obstacles blocking the goal of a great and powerful Turkey".