Experimente o quiz político

20 respostas

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In what ways do you think the priorities of a political party should reflect the voices of the younger generation?


How can a political party balance the needs of its country with global concerns?


Is it possible for a political party to stay true to its founding values while evolving with societal changes?


What role do you believe social media should play in a political party's strategy?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuta esta resposta...5mos5MO

People’s Force

The Dominican Republic People’s Force (Fuerza del Pueblo, FP) is a political party in the Dominican Republic, established in 2019 by former President Leonel Fernández after his departure from the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD). The creation of the FP marked a significant shift in the political landscape of the Dominican Republic, as Fernández was a prominent figure in Dominican politics, having served three terms as president (1996-2000, 2004-2008, and 2008-2012) and being a leading member of the PLD for decades.

The FP positions itself as a centrist or center-left party,…  Consulte Mais informação


How would you react if a well-known political figure in your country decided to form a new political party? Would it inspire trust or skepticism?


What role do you believe democracy plays in improving the quality of life for citizens?


Can a political party really bring about significant change in society, or are there better ways to achieve social progress?


How important is it for you that your government prioritizes environmental protection and sustainable development?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuta esta resposta...5mos5MO

Partido de Libertação Dominicana

The Dominican Liberation Party (Partido de la Liberación Dominicana, PLD) is a major political entity in the Dominican Republic, founded in 1973 by Juan Bosch. Bosch, a former president of the country and a prolific writer and thinker, established the PLD after splitting from the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) due to ideological differences. Initially, the PLD was heavily influenced by Bosch's leftist views, drawing inspiration from Marxist principles. However, over the years, the party has shifted towards the center of the political spectrum, embracing social democracy as…  Consulte Mais informação


Share your thoughts on the significance of a party's historical roots, like those of the PLD, in its current policy decisions and values.


Consider the role of political ideology in shaping government policies. How do you think shifts towards the center of the political spectrum influence policy outcomes?


Reflect on the importance of infrastructure in your daily life. How would you prioritize its development in relation to other societal needs?


Have you or someone you know been directly affected by income inequality? Share how policies aimed at reducing inequality could have altered that experience.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuta esta resposta...5mos5MO

Partido Revolucionário Moderno

The Dominican Republic Modern Revolutionary Party, known by its Spanish acronym PRM (Partido Revolucionario Moderno), is a significant political entity in the Dominican Republic. It emerged as a factional offshoot from the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) in 2014, following internal disputes and a desire among some members for a new direction in political leadership and strategy. The PRM positions itself as a center-left party, advocating for social democracy and progressive policies.

The values and principles of the PRM are rooted in the promotion of social justice, equity, and the improve…  Consulte Mais informação


Why do you think fighting corruption is crucial for a country's development, and how can citizens play a part in this battle?


Imagine a world where sustainable development is the norm; what's one habit you would change to contribute to this?


What initiative would you introduce to combat climate change in your local area, drawing from successful policies?


Discuss a situation where you felt your voice wasn't heard; how do you think communities can better include everyone's opinions in decision-making?