Yes, as long as they are working and paying taxes
Yes, but only for refugees and asylum seekers

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Yes, as long as they are working and paying taxes Or are refugees or asylum seekers.

 @9LP35DQanswered…3 days3D

Yes for asylum seekers and refugees, as well as those working and paying taxes. Not those arriving without work not fleeing war etc.


Yes for those who are citizens of the country with jobs but still have trouble meeting the cost of living. Also yes for refugees and asylum seekers if it is within the countries means to do so.


For refugees and asylum seekers as long as they are working and paying taxes, or are in the process of finding work.


Yes, but the amount of benefits received would begin to reduce rapidly after the first month and provide them with jobs instead


If I was a foreign national going to a country that gives money for nothing I would absolutely be taking advantage of that. It is human nature and nothing will change that. We have our own problems with our own people, homelessness being caused by many reasons and normal working class families losing their homes yet we will provide foreign nationals aid before our own people. There is no excuse for poverty and homelessness to our own people, and using a cop out excuse luke drug addictions or people of an savoury nature is not excceptable as this is the monster that the government has created through neglect. Charity begins at home.