Yes, we should respect all cultural and religious traditions

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 @9LHQRB9answered…7 days7D

They should pick out a different school as the one they are looking at is Catholic which goes against their religion.


Yes. but in secular schools. Institutions should intervene if there is evidence that girls are forced or threatened into wearing niqab or burka.


No as a Muslim, I feel best for Muslims to assimilate is to look more like the rest of society. Hijab prevent and more extreme cases of face veil prevents girls from integrating into society


Catholic schools should not exist in the first place. School is about education, not indoctrination.

 @9HPSHVSfrom 24 answered…4mos4MO

I don’t believe in religiously aligned education but I also believe that people should be allowed express themselves as they fit: be it wearing traditional clothes or dying their hair and wearing earrings

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