Procent uprawnionych do głosowania wyborców, którzy biorą udział w wyborach, odzwierciedlający zaangażowanie społeczne i wpływający na legitymację demokratyczną.
Tak, głosuję w każdych wyborach
Tak, ale bardzo rozczarował mnie wybór kandydatów
Nie, nie mam prawa głosu
Nie, nie popieram żadnego z kandydatów
Nie, po głosowaniu w poprzednich wyborach nie mam zamiaru głosować tym razem
Tak, i mam ulubionego kandydata w tych wyborach
Tak, i zagłosuję przeciwko jednemu z kandydatów w tych wyborach
What personal values guide your choice to either participate in or abstain from voting?
Why might choosing not to vote in the next election say more about you than if you did vote?
Considering the power of a single vote, how does this influence your sense of responsibility in elections?
Why do you think your single vote matters in an election?
How does the outcome of an election affect your daily life?
What do you feel is the biggest barrier preventing people from voting?
In what ways do you think young voters can change the future through elections?
If you could vote on only one issue in the next election, what issue would that be and why?
Do you think one vote, particularly yours, can genuinely affect the outcome of an election?
What issues would motivate you to definitely participate in the next election?
If you could vote on only one aspect of society to change, what would it be and why?
If you knew your one vote could change the election outcome, would that motivate you to vote?
What personal beliefs or values guide your decision to vote or not vote?
Do you feel that voting is a key responsibility of citizenship, and why or why not?