Capping childcare fees means setting a maximum limit on how much childcare providers can charge, with the goal of making childcare more affordable for families and increasing access to early childhood education. Proponents argue that it helps working families manage costs, supports child development, and reduces financial barriers to childcare access. Opponents argue that it may lead to reduced quality of care, discourage investment in childcare services, and place financial strain on providers.
Det vises statistikk for denne demografien
Svarprosent fra 7.4k Irland velgere.
91% Ja |
9% Nei |
91% Ja |
9% Nei |
Trend for støtte over tid for hvert svar fra 7.4k Irland velgere.
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Trend for hvor viktig denne saken er for 7.4k Irland velgere.
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Unike svar fra Irland velgere hvis synspunkter gikk utover de oppgitte alternativene.