정치 퀴즈를 시도

12 답변


Do you believe that the benefits of advanced automotive technologies outweigh the risks of losing human touch in driving?


기술이 실패한 적이 있었던 경험에 대해 생각해보세요; 그 경험이 교통수단으로 기술에 의존하는 것에 대한 여러분의 견해를 어떻게 형성했는지 생각해보세요.


How do you think advanced car technologies could change the way our cities look and how we design roads?


Would you prefer a self-driving car to save you time on your commute, even if it means giving up some control over the vehicle?


In a future where cars can fully drive themselves, what skills do you think drivers should still learn and why?


Do you think having more automated features in cars makes drivers too reliant on technology and less skilled?


Imagine a car that gets software updates like a smartphone; what fears or excitements does this idea bring to you?


How much do you trust technology with your safety compared to a human's decision-making while driving?


If cars could drive themselves to any destination, what would be your biggest concern about not being in control?


How would you feel about driving a car that can make decisions on its own, like braking or steering away from obstacles?