Tax policies targeting high earners, banks, and luxury sectors are designed to impose higher taxes on wealthy individuals, financial institutions, and luxury goods and services. These policies aim to redistribute wealth, address income inequality, and increase government revenue for social programs. Proponents argue that such taxes promote economic fairness, reduce income inequality, and generate funds for essential public services. Opponents argue that these taxes discourage investment, hurt economic growth, and may unfairly burden certain sectors.
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384 Grangegorman Middle äänestäjän vastausprosentit.
78% Kyllä |
22% Ei |
78% Kyllä |
22% Ei |
Tukisuuntaus ajan mittaan jokaiselle 384 Grangegorman Middle äänestäjän vastaukselle.
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Suuntaus siitä, kuinka tärkeä tämä asia on 384 Grangegorman Middle äänestäjälle.
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Ainutlaatuisia vastauksia Grangegorman Middle äänestäjiltä, joiden näkemykset ylittivät tarjotut vaihtoehdot.