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 @D1plom4tButterfly from North Carolina linked…1yr1Y

Over 50% of Gaza buildings destroyed in war


 @R1ghtWingSalt from Kansas linked…1yr1Y

How can so many people ignore genocide?


 @V0lunteerSnailfrom Wisconsin  submitted…11mos11MO

U.S. Proposed Ceasefire In Gaza Strip


 @S0cialJustic3Dolphinfrom Georgia  submitted…11mos11MO

300K Gaza Residents Surviving Off Animal Feed


 @CowOliviafrom Pennsylvania  submitted…12mos12MO

Hamas Demands Release of 1,500 Prisoners


 @VictoriousSpecialInterest from Illinois submitted…12mos12MO

17,000 children in Gaza are without a guardian


 @PacifistCaroline from New Jersey submitted…12mos12MO

Undercover Israeli Commandos Kill 3 In Gaza Hospital


 @D3fenceFred from Utah linked…1yr1Y

Biden Is pressing Israel to ‘get out’ of Gaza


 @FoxDave from North Carolina submitted…12mos12MO

Israel Accused of Execution After Mass Grave Found


 @ExuberantC0nsensu5 from Texas submitted…11mos11MO

Brazil Ends All Diplomatic Ties With Israel


 @C0nstituti0nalVulturefrom Minnesota  submitted…12mos12MO

U.S. Hits Iran And Syria With 185 Bombs


 @Centr1stRobinfrom Maine  submitted…12mos12MO

Israel and Hamas Consider New Cease Fire Deal


 @MercifulForeignPolicy from California linked…1yr1Y

America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism


 @OffendedHeronfrom Arizona  linked…1yr1Y

Video: Wounded Patients Treated On Floor In Gaza Hospital


 @UnhappyE1ectoralfrom New Jersey  submitted…11mos11MO

576,000 People in Gaza One Step Away From Famine
