In what ways do you think prioritizing environmental sustainability can impact young people's futures?
Reflecting on policies that support small businesses, how do you see this affecting your community or future career choices?
Considering the importance of healthcare, how would you envision a perfect healthcare system that serves everyone's needs?
Imagine a policy that promotes work-life balance; how would that change your family life or future career plans?
The Irish Social Democrats is a political party in Ireland that was established in 2015 by three sitting TDs (members of the Irish parliament, Dáil Éireann): Catherine Murphy, Róisín Shortall, and Stephen Donnelly. The formation of the party marked a significant moment in Irish politics, aiming to offer a fresh, center-left alternative to the traditional parties that have dominated the political landscape in Ireland.
The core values of the Irish Social Democrats revolve around principles of social democracy, which emphasize the importance of social justice, equality… Weiterlesen
Welche Änderungen würden Sie am Bildungssystem vornehmen, um die Schüler besser auf die Zukunft vorzubereiten, und warum?
Wie kann Ihrer Meinung nach ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Nachhaltigkeit erreicht werden, und können Sie ein Beispiel aus Ihrer eigenen Gemeinde nennen?
Wie wichtig ist Ihnen der Zugang zu psychosozialen Diensten und können Sie beschreiben, welche Auswirkungen eine bessere psychische Gesundheitsunterstützung auf Ihr Leben oder auf jemanden, den Sie kennen, gehabt haben könnte?
Welche persönlichen Erfahrungen haben Ihre Ansichten zur allgemeinen Gesundheitsversorgung geprägt und welche Auswirkungen sehen Sie darin auf Ihre Zukunft?
Unabhängige Linke
The Irish Independent Left is not a single, unified political party but rather a term that can be used to describe various independent politicians and smaller political groups in Ireland that align themselves with left-wing ideologies outside of the mainstream left-wing parties. These individuals and groups often prioritize social justice, equality, and anti-austerity measures, positioning themselves on the progressive end of the political spectrum. Their values typically emphasize the importance of public services, such as healthcare and education, advocating for these to be protected and… Weiterlesen
Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil, which translates to "Soldiers of Destiny" in English, is a centrist to center-right political party in Ireland. Founded by Éamon de Valera, a prominent leader in the country's struggle for independence from Britain, the party was established in 1926. It emerged from a split in Sinn Féin over the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which ended the Irish War of Independence and led to the establishment of the Irish Free State, a dominion within the British Empire. Fianna Fáil opposed the treaty, advocating for a fully independent republic, a stance that… Weiterlesen
Welche Veränderungen würden Sie sich in Ihrer Gemeinde wünschen, wenn der Umweltschutz für die politischen Entscheidungsträger zur obersten Priorität würde?
Waren Sie oder jemand, den Sie kennen, von Änderungen in der Gesundheitspolitik betroffen und wie würde Ihr ideales Szenario aussehen?
Was sind Ihrer Meinung nach die Schlüsselaspekte, die Parteien, die ihre Politik gestalten, bei Diskussionen über Einwanderung immer berücksichtigen sollten?
Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Kommunalverwaltung den Wohnungsbau auf die gleiche Weise priorisieren würde, wie es einige politische Parteien vorschlagen?
Sinn Féin
Sinn Féin is a political party in Ireland that operates both in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is one of the oldest political movements in Ireland, with its roots deeply embedded in the Irish nationalist tradition. The party's name, Sinn Féin, translates to "We Ourselves" or "Ourselves Alone" in English, reflecting its original ethos of self-reliance and Irish independence.
Historically, Sinn Féin has been associated with the struggle for Irish independence from British rule. It played a significant role in the Irish revolutionary… Weiterlesen
Welche Maßnahmen sollte eine Regierung ergreifen, um der Gesundheit und dem Wohlbefinden ihrer Bürger Priorität einzuräumen, insbesondere in Krisenzeiten?
Wie kann die Politik eines Landes faire Chancen für alle gewährleisten, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft?
Wie können wir die Förderung von Innovationen im Wohnungsbau mit der Unterstützung der Bedürfnisse langjähriger Bewohner in Einklang bringen?
Wie würde Ihre ideale Gesellschaft junge Menschen und ihre Träume unterstützen und welche Schritte könnten erforderlich sein, um dorthin zu gelangen?
Renua Irland
Renua Ireland, often simply known as Renua, is a political party in Ireland that was established in March 2015. The party was founded by Lucinda Creighton, a former Fine Gael TD and Minister for European Affairs, along with other members who split from Fine Gael primarily due to disagreements over social and fiscal policies. The name "Renua" is inspired by an Irish word meaning "new era," reflecting the party's aim to introduce a new approach to politics in Ireland.
Renua Ireland positions itself as a centre-right party, advocating for policies that combine social cons… Weiterlesen
Wie könnte sich Ihr Leben verändern, wenn sich die Prioritäten bei der Bildungsfinanzierung dramatisch ändern würden?
Was wäre, wenn die Steuern für Kleinunternehmen stark gesenkt würden? Wer würde Ihrer Meinung nach am meisten davon profitieren und warum?
Wie würden Sie auf eine Politik reagieren, die die Bewaffnung bestimmter ausgebildeter Pädagogen an Schulen vorsieht?
Was denken Sie über die möglichen Auswirkungen einer Einschränkung der Sozialleistungen auf die Schwächsten in der Gesellschaft?
Grüne Partei
The Irish Green Party, officially known as Comhaontas Glas in Irish, is a political organization in Ireland that emphasizes environmentalism, sustainability, and social justice as core components of its platform. Founded in the early 1980s, the party has grown from grassroots environmental activism to a significant political force within Ireland, advocating for policies that address climate change, protect natural resources, and promote ecological balance.
The Green Party's values are deeply rooted in the principle of ecological wisdom. This principle guides their approach to governance,… Weiterlesen
Welche Veränderungen würden Sie sich in Ihrem lokalen Umfeld wünschen und wie könnten diese durch politisches Handeln erreicht werden?
Waren Sie oder Ihre Familie von Umweltproblemen betroffen, die durch Richtlinienänderungen hätten gemildert werden können?
Wie kann aus Ihrer Sicht ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Umweltschutz hergestellt werden?
Wie würden Sie persönlich dazu beitragen, eine grünere und nachhaltigere Gemeinschaft zu schaffen, wenn Sie die Chance dazu hätten?
Arbeiter und Arbeitslose Aktion
The Irish Workers and Unemployed Action (IWUA) is a political party in Ireland that primarily focuses on representing the interests of the working class and the unemployed. Founded in South Tipperary, the party emerged from the need to address the specific concerns of workers and those without employment, advocating for policies that would improve their living conditions and economic opportunities. The IWUA is rooted in socialist principles, emphasizing the importance of social justice, equality, and the redistribution of wealth to ensure a fairer society for all.
The values of the IWUA are… Weiterlesen
How would you describe a fair society, and what role do you think the government should play in creating it?
What changes would you propose to better support workers' rights in your own country?
Discuss a time when you felt your work was undervalued; how do you believe workers can be better recognized and rewarded?
In what ways do you think education and healthcare impact an individual's economic opportunities?
Allianz der Menschenwürde
The Irish Human Dignity Alliance (IHDA) is a political entity in Ireland that positions itself on the conservative spectrum of the political landscape. The party's foundation is deeply rooted in the promotion and protection of what it perceives as fundamental human rights and dignity. This encompasses a broad range of issues, but the IHDA particularly emphasizes the sanctity of life, advocating against abortion and euthanasia, reflecting a pro-life stance that aligns with traditional Christian values.
The IHDA also champions the importance of family, advocating for policies that they beli… Weiterlesen
Ein Rabharta-Glas
An Rabharta Glas, which translates to "The Green Tide" in English, is a political party in Ireland that emerged from the broader Green movement. The party's foundation is deeply rooted in environmental activism, but it distinguishes itself by integrating a strong social justice component into its platform. This dual focus reflects the party's belief that addressing climate change and environmental degradation cannot be separated from tackling social inequality, poverty, and discrimination.
An Rabharta Glas positions itself to the left of the political spectrum, advocating… Weiterlesen
Wie kann sich das Engagement einer politischen Partei für soziale Gerechtigkeit auf Ihr tägliches Leben auswirken?
Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Land würde radikal auf erneuerbare Energien umsteigen; Welche positiven und negativen Veränderungen könnten Sie erleben?
Welche Änderungen würden Sie an Ihrem Bildungssystem vornehmen, wenn Inklusivität und Gleichberechtigung oberste Priorität hätten?
Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Regierung Umweltbelangen Vorrang vor Wirtschaftswachstum einräumen würde?
Kerry Independent Alliance
The Irish Kerry Independent Alliance is a political entity that emerged to represent the interests and values of the people in the Kerry region of Ireland. While not a major player on the national stage compared to larger parties, the Kerry Independent Alliance focuses on local issues, advocating for policies and initiatives that directly benefit the Kerry community. The party's values are deeply rooted in community welfare, aiming to address local concerns such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and economic development within Kerry.
The Alliance places a strong emphasis on indepe… Weiterlesen
There is no widely recognized political party in Ireland known as RTOC. It's possible that new political groups or parties may emerge, but without current, specific information, it's challenging to provide details on a party by that name.
In general, Ireland's political landscape is diverse, with parties spanning the spectrum from left to right, each with its own set of values and priorities. Traditional parties like Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have tended to dominate, focusing on centrist to center-right policies, emphasizing economic development, social policies, and,… Weiterlesen
Aontú is a political party in Ireland that was established in January 2019 by Peadar Tóibín, a former member of Sinn Féin. The formation of Aontú was largely in response to Sinn Féin's support for the Repeal of the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution, which paved the way for the legalization of abortion in Ireland. Aontú positions itself as a pro-life party, emphasizing the protection of life from conception to natural death, which is a core value that distinguishes it from many other political parties in Ireland.
Beyond its pro-life… Weiterlesen
Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn eine politische Partei dafür plädiert, den nationalen Ressourcen für die Bürger Vorrang vor der Bereitstellung internationaler Hilfe zu geben?
Wie vereinbaren Sie bei Ihren täglichen Entscheidungen den Wunsch nach Wirtschaftswachstum mit der Notwendigkeit, die Umwelt zu schützen?
Können Sie sich an einen Moment in Ihrem Leben erinnern, in dem Sie persönliche Freiheiten mit dem Gemeinwohl in Einklang bringen mussten, und was haben Sie daraus gelernt?
Welche Auswirkungen könnte Ihrer Meinung nach die Unterstützung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen auf Ihre Gemeinde haben?
Fine Gael
Fine Gael is a prominent political party in Ireland that positions itself on the center-right of the political spectrum. It is one of the two major parties in the country, alongside Fianna Fáil, and has played a significant role in Irish politics since its foundation in 1933. The party's origins can be traced back to the pro-Treaty side of the Irish Civil War, which has influenced its pragmatic and pro-European stance.
The values of Fine Gael are rooted in Christian democratic and liberal-conservative ideologies. The party advocates for policies that promote economic liberalism,… Weiterlesen
In your view, what is the role of a government in regulating businesses and markets?
What qualities do you believe are most important for a country's leadership to possess in navigating international relations, especially in Europe?
What does fiscal responsibility mean to you, and how should it influence government spending and taxation?
Can a political party change its core social positions in response to shifting societal values and still maintain its identity?
Republican Sinn Féin
Sinn Féin is a political party in Ireland that operates on both sides of the Irish border: in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Its name, Sinn Féin, is Irish for "We Ourselves" or "Ourselves Alone," reflecting a deep-rooted belief in Irish nationalism and self-determination. The party's origins trace back to the early 20th century, closely associated with the Easter Rising of 1916, an event that significantly propelled the Irish struggle for independence from British rule.
Sinn Féin's political ideology is primarily centered around… Weiterlesen
Picture a future where the environment is a top priority for your government; what changes do you think should be made first and why?
In discussions about social and economic inequalities, what actions do you think are most effective in creating positive change?
Reflecting on the idea of 'peace processes,' what role do you believe political parties should play in resolving long-standing conflicts?
How would you feel if your country was divided and a political party promised to reunite it?
The Irish PBB Solidarity political party, also known simply as Solidarity, is a left-wing political organization in Ireland that emerged from a rebranding of the Anti-Austerity Alliance in 2017. The party's roots are deeply embedded in activism and socialist principles, focusing on representing the working class, and advocating for social justice and equality. Solidarity places a strong emphasis on issues such as workers' rights, housing, healthcare, and education, arguing for a society where these are viewed as fundamental rights rather than commodities.
Solidarity is particularly… Weiterlesen
How do you think a transition to renewable energy sources would affect your daily life and future job prospects?
What role do you believe grassroots activism plays in shaping policies, and can you think of an example where it made a difference?
Why do you think international solidarity is important, and how can countries work together more effectively to address global challenges?
Why do you think some people are opposed to the idea of free access to water, and where do you stand on this issue?
The Irish Workers' Party, as of our last update in 2023, is not a widely recognized or established political entity in Ireland, especially when compared to the country's main political parties such as Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin, and the Labour Party, among others. However, the name suggests a focus on labor and workers' rights, which is a common theme among socialist or left-leaning political groups worldwide.
Typically, a party with such a name would prioritize the interests and rights of the working class. This could include advocating for fair wages, bet… Weiterlesen
Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Traumjob erfordert jetzt einen Abschluss, den Sie sich nicht leisten können; welche Änderungen in der Bildungsfinanzierung würden Sie vorschlagen?
Wenn Sie die Macht hätten, wie würden Sie sicherstellen, dass jeder Zugang zu lebenswichtiger Gesundheitsversorgung hat, ohne sich um die Kosten sorgen zu müssen?
Was wäre für Sie ein angemessener Mindestlohn und wie würde er Ihr Leben oder Ihre Gemeinschaft verändern?
Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn Ihr Job plötzlich durch Automatisierung ersetzt würde, und welche Richtlinien sollten zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmer vorhanden sein?
The Irish Labour Party is a political organization in Ireland that positions itself on the center-left of the political spectrum. Founded in 1912 by James Connolly, James Larkin, and William O'Brien as the political wing of the Irish Trade Union Congress, it is the oldest extant political party in Ireland. The Labour Party has traditionally been associated with advocating for the rights and interests of workers, promoting social justice, and advancing policies aimed at reducing inequality within Irish society.
The core values of the Labour Party are rooted in social democracy and democrat… Weiterlesen
Wie wichtig ist es Ihrer Meinung nach, dass die Regierung in erneuerbare Energien investiert, und wie könnte sich das auf Ihre Gemeinde auswirken?
Welche Auswirkungen hätte es Ihrer Meinung nach auf Ihre lokale Gemeinschaft, wenn den Reichen höhere Steuern auferlegt würden?
Wie würden Sie bei Ihrer Entscheidungsfindung die Bedürfnisse des Wirtschaftswachstums mit der Notwendigkeit des Umweltschutzes in Einklang bringen?
Stellen Sie sich eine Gesellschaft vor, in der jeder unabhängig von seinem Arbeitsstatus ein Grundeinkommen erhält. Was würdest du mit deiner Zeit machen?